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10.5937-mckg49-10313.pdf.jpg2015Medical students’ knowledge level about EbolaTodorovic J.; Djuric D.; Marušić V.; Arbutina D.; Markovic Denic L.
10.1093-ecco-jcc-jjw013.pdf.jpg2016Galectin-3 plays an important pro-inflammatory role in the induction phase of acute colitis by promoting activation of NLRP3 inflammasome and production of IL-1β in macrophagesSimovic Markovic, Bojana; Nikolić A.; Gazdic, Marina; Bojic, Sanja; Vucicevic, Ljubica; Kosic, Milica; Mitrovic M.; Milosavljevic, Milos; Besra, Gurdyal; Trajkovic V.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Lukic, Miodrag; Volarevic, Vladislav
0042-84501506517M.pdf.jpg2015Analysis of risk factors for occlusions of a synthetic femoropopliteal bypass graftMirkovic, Nikola; Stefanovic, Srdjan; Jankovic, Slobodan
10.2478-SJECR-2014-0024.pdf.jpg2014The effects of acute vibroacoustic microvibrations on the rat heart rate, rhythm and structureKornjaca D.; Jakovljevic V.; Zivkovic A.; Djuric M.; Puškaš N.; Djuric D.
10.2174-1874944502013010734.pdf.jpg2020Sanitary and hygienic aspects of the covid-19 self-isolationMitrohin, Oleg; Reshetnikov, Vladimir; Belova E.; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Evaluation of dentists’ knowledge about the use of radiology in pediatric dentistry in SerbiaMandinic Z.; Prokić A.; Mandic J.; Blagojević, Duška; Kanjevac, Tatjana; Stojkovic B.; Stevanovic, Mirjana; Jovicić O.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022Guanidinoacetic acid provides superior cardioprotection to its combined use with betaine and (or) creatine in HIIT-trained ratsProkic V.; Nikolic, Marina; Draginic, Nevena; Andjic, Marijana; Sretenovic, Jasmina; Zivkovic, Vladimir; Jeremic, Jovana; Milinkovic M.; Bolevich, Sergey; Jakovljevic, Vladimir; Pantovic, Suzana
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2011Systemic photochemotherapy decreases the expression of IFN-γ, IL-12p40 and IL-23p19 in psoriatic plaquesRavic Nikolic, Ana; Radosavljevic, Gordana; Jovanovic I.; Zdravkovic, Nemanja; Mitrović P.; Pavlovic D.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa
10.1515-SJECR-2016-0018.pdf.jpg2016EEG abnormalities as diagnostic and prognostic factor for encephalitisGavrilovic, Aleksandar; Drakulić S.; Matic M.; Vesić, Katarina; Aleksic, Dejan; Toncev, Slavco; Gavrilovic, Jagoda
10.2298-VSP210517070S.pdf.jpg2021Resilience as a moderator in the relationship between burnout and subjective well-being among medical workers in Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemicSafiye T.; Vukcevic B.; Čabarkapa M.