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10.5937-mckg49-9121.pdf.jpg2015Hemolytic-uremic syndrome: Etiopathogenesis, diagnostics and basic principles of treatmentPetrovic, Dejan; Canovic P.; Mijailovic Z.; Jovicic B.; Jacovic S.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022VEP Score of a Left Eye Had Predictive Values for Achieving NEDA-3 over Ten Years in Patients with Multiple SclerosisMiletic Drakulic, Svetlana; Miloradovic I.; Jankovic, Vladimir; Azanjac Arsic A.; Lazarevic, Snezana
10.5937-mckg52-16947.pdf.jpg2018Recommendations for treatment of non-infectious uveitisStanojevic Paovic, Anka; Radosavljevic, Aleksandra; Zlatanović, Gordana; Oros, Ana; Cekić, Sonja; Ilić, Aleksandra; Jovanovic, Svetlana
10.2478-SJECR-2014-0004.pdf.jpg2014Systemic manifestations of pseudoexfoliationSarenac Vulovic, Tatjana; Petrovic M.; Vulovic, Dejan; Pavlovic S.; Simović A.; Zdravkovic, Nemanja
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022Application of the Kvaal Method in Age Estimation of the Serbian Population Based on Dental RadiographsZdravkovic, Dejan; Jovanović, Milica; Papić, Miloš; Ristic, Vladimir; Milojevic Samanovic, Andjela; Kocovic, Aleksandar; Sovrlic, Miroslav; Vuletic, Milena; Misic, Aleksandra; Mladenovic, Rasa; Milosavljevic, Marko; Todić J.
10.1515-SJECR-2016-0008.pdf.jpg2018Effects of ischemic and proton pump inhibitors preconditioning on oxidative stress of isolated rat heartJeremić N.; Zivkovic V.; Srejovic I.; Jeremic, Jovana; Petkovic, Anica; Bradic, Jovana; Jakovljevic V.
10.1161-JAHA.120.020597.pdf.jpg2021Functional assessment of myocardial bridging with conventional and diastolic fractional flow reserve: Vasodilator versus inotropic provocationAleksandrić B.; Djordjevic-Ðikic A.; Dobric M.; Giga V.; Soldatovic, Ivan; Vukcevic V.; Tomasevic, Miloje; Stojković A.; Orlic D.; Saponjski J.; Tesic, Milorad; Banovic M.; Petrovic M.; Juricic S.; Nedeljkovic M.; Stankovic, Goran; Ostojic M.; Beleslin B.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022Postacute Rehabilitation Impact on Functional Recovery Outcome and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivors: Six Month Follow-UpBisevac E.; Lazović M.; Nikolic, Dejan; Mahmutovic E.; Dolicanin Z.; Jurisic Skevin, Aleksandra
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Obesity and sleep apnea as a significant comorbidities in COVID-19 — A case reportNikolic M.; Simovic, Stefan; Novkovic, Ljiljana; Jokovic V.; Djokovic, Danijela; Muric, Nemanja; Bazic Sretenovic, Danijela; Jovanovic, Jelena; Pantić K.; Cekerevac, Ivan
10.3177-jnsv.63.85.pdf.jpg2017Vitamin D deficiency and associated factors in patients with mental disorders treated in routine practiceRistić G.; Zivanovic D.; Milovanovic, Dragan; Janjić V.; Djokovic, Danijela; Jovićević A.; Stanojević-Pirković M.; Kocic H.