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PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2020Delirium associated with the use of macrolide antibiotics: a reviewPejcic, Ana
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Role of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 as biomarkers in early and late stages of schizophreniaPantovic Stefanovic M.; Stojadinovic N.; Dunjić-Kostić B.; Velimirovic M.; Nikolić Z.; Jurisic, Vladimir; Lackovic M.; Damjanovic, Ana; Totic-Poznanovic S.; Mitrovic-Jovanovic A.; Ivković M.
10.2298-SARH190607009V.pdf.jpg2020Comparison of efficacy and safety of preemptive infusion protocols of ephedrine and phenylephrine – prevention of hypotension and effects on hemodynamic parameters during spinal anesthesia for caesarean sectionVukotic A.; Green D.; Jevđić J.; Vukotic M.; Petrovic, Nina; Stevanović P.
0042-84501505427S.pdf.jpg2015Bacterial infections associated with allogenic bone transplantationStepanovic, Zeljko; Ristic, Branko
10.1515-SJECR-2016-0036.pdf.jpg2016Unusual respiratory manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis a case reportCekerevac, Ivan; Cupurdija V.; Novkovic, Ljiljana; Lazic Z.; Petrovic, Marina; Gajovic, Olgica; Susa R.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2018Reactivity of the coumarine derivative towards cartilage proteins: combined NBO, QTAIM, and molecular docking studyMilenkovic, Dejan; Avdović, Edina; Dimic, Dusan; Bajin Z.; Ristic, Branko; Vukovic, Nenad; Trifunović, Srećko; Marković, Zoran
10.3390-ijms18010006.pdf.jpg2017Stem cells and labeling for spinal cord injuryGazdic, Marina; Volarevic, Vladislav; Arsenijevic A.; Erceg S.; Moreno-Manzano V.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Stojkovíc M.
0042-84501501050B.pdf.jpg2015Quality of analgesia after lower third molar surgery: A randomised, double-blind study of levobupivacaine, bupivacaine and lidocaine with epinephrineBrajkovic, Denis; Biocanin, Vladimir; Milic, Marija; Vucetić, Milan; Petrović, Renata; Brković, Božidar
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2019Synthesis, characterization, anticancer evaluation and mechanisms of cytotoxic activity of novel 3-hydroxy-3-pyrrolin-2-ones bearing thenoyl fragment: DNA, BSA interactions and molecular docking studyJoksimović N.; Petronijević, Jelena; Janković, Nenad; Baskić D.; Popovic, Suzana; Todorovic, Danijela; Matić, Sanja; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Vranes, Milan; Tot A.; Bugarčić Z.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Factors affecting the development of adverse drug reactions to β-blockers in hospitalized cardiac patient populationMugoša S.; Djordjevic, Natasa; Djukanovic N.; Protic̈ D.; Bukumirič Z.; Radosavljevic, Ivan; Bošković A.; Todorovic Z.