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10.2147-PPA.S58040.pdf.jpg2014Health-related quality of life, anxiety, and depressive symptoms in children with primary immunodeficienciesKuburovic N.; Pasic T.; Susic G.; Stevanovic, Dejan; Kuburovic V.; Zdravkovic M.; Janicijevic Petrovic, Mirjana; Pekmezovic M.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2020Immunohistomorphometric and Hormonal Analysis of the Pituitary Gonadotropic Cells after Application of the Nandrolone Decanoate and Swimming Training in Adult Male RatsSretenovic, Jasmina; Zivkovic, Vladimir; Srejovic, Ivan; Ajdzanovic, Vladimir; Ristic, Natasa; Trifunovic M.; Pantovic, Suzana; Jović S.; Jakovljevic, Vladimir; Bolevich, Sergey; Milosavljevic, Zoran; Milosević V.
10.2478_sjecr-2018-0055.pdf.jpg2020Health literacy in female – association with socioeconomic factors and effects on reproductive healthMaricic, Milena; Curuvija Amanovic, Radmila; Stepovic, Milos
10.5937-sjecr1104141d.pdf.jpg2011Risk factors for early postoperative arrhythmias in general surgery patients after general anestesiaDostić M.; Putic V.; Novokmet, Slobodan; Jankovic, Slobodan
10.1515-SJECR-2016-0054.pdf.jpg2017Evaluation of antibiotic consumption at Rakovica community health center from 2011 to 2015Smiljanic M.; Radonjić V.; Djuric D.
10.1155-2022-2102795.pdf.jpg2022Biogenic Analysis of the Effect of TERC on Cell Proliferation and Migration of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma under Digital Minimally Invasive TreatmentChen W.; Zhang Z.; Jin Y.; Zeng R.; Sun X.; Zhou Z.; Kasim K.; Grant J.; Kuraki V.; Schmid F.; Lucas G.
0042-84501111935J.pdf.jpg2011Sex differences in anatomical parameters of acetabulum among asymptomatic Serbian populationJeremic, Dejan; Zivanovic-Macuzic, Ivana; Vulović, Maja
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022Quality of life assessment in patients treated due to chronic pancreatitisDragović D.; Vulovic, Maja; Stamenković D.; Rancic, Nemanja; Mitrovic M.; Bezmarevic, Mihailo; Jovanovic M.; Pantic, Igor; Rujanovski Z.; Lepic M.; Milev B.
10.1136-bmjopen-2015-008742.pdf.jpg2016Association of the consumption of common food groups and beverages with mortality from cancer, ischaemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus in Serbia, 1991-2010: An ecological studyIlic, Milena; Ilic I.; Stojanovic G.; Zivanovic-Macuzic, Ivana
0042-84501402144K.pdf.jpg2014Cost-effectiveness analysis of tocilizumab in combination with methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis: A Markov model based on data from Serbia, country in socioeconomic transitionKostic, Marina; Jovanovic, Snezana; Tomovic, Marina; Popovic-Milenkovic, Marija; Jankovic, Slobodan