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PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2023Cytotoxic and apoptotic activity of acetone and aqueous Artemisia vulgaris L. and Artemisia alba Turra extracts on colorectal cancer cellsRadovic-Jakovljevic M.; Milutinović, Milan; Djurdjevic, Predrag; Todorovic, Zeljko; Kostic-Stankovic M.; Milošević-Đorđević, Olivera
10.1186-s40880-016-0118-y.pdf.jpg2016Colorectal cancer mortality trends in Serbia during 1991-2010: an age-period-cohort analysis and a joinpoint regression analysisIlić, Milena; Ilic I.
10.2298-VSP190418075P.pdf.jpg2021Diagnostic importance of cystatin c and creatinine for contrast-induced acute kidney injuryPilčevic D.; Rancic, Nemanja; Jovic Z.; Rabrenovic V.; Antić M.; Petrovic M.; Petrovic, Dejan; Maksic D.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2020Physical therapy improves motion in a patient with inclusion body myositis - A case reportStevanovic J.; Vulovic, Maja; Pavićević D.; Bezmarevic, Mihailo; Stojkovic Andjelkovic, Andjelka; Radunovic A.; Aksic M.; Milosevic, Bojan; Cvetković, Aleksandar; Jovanovic M.; Ivosevic, Anita
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022Historical review: Towards the 50th anniversary of the last major smallpox outbreak (Yugoslavia, 1972)Ilic, Irena; Ilic, Milena
10.1515-SJECR-2017-0024.pdf.jpg2018Cone-beam computed tomography study of the root canal morphology of mandibular anterior teeth in Serbian populationPopovic M.; Papic, Milos; Zivanovic, Suzana; Acovic A.; Loncarevic, Slobodan; Ristić, Vladimir M.
10.1515-SJECR-2015-0002.pdf.jpg2015ST2 deficiency ameliorates high fat diet-induced liver steatosis in BALB/c miceJovicic, Nemanja; Jeftic, Ilija; Miletic Kovacevic, Marina; Tanaskovic, Irena; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Lukic, Miodrag; Pejnović, Nada
1820-86652004291L.pdf.jpg2020Clinical characteristics of rotavirus-induced gastroenteritis in infantsLugonja, Sofija; Zivic, Jelena; Zdravkovic, Natasa
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2017Highly efficient neural conversion of human pluripotent stem cells in adherent and animal-free conditionsLukovic D.; Diez-Lloret A.; Stojkovic P.; Rodriguez-Martinez, Daniel; Perez Arago M.; Rodríguez-Jiménez F.; Gonzáalez-Rodráiguez P.; Lõpez-Barneo J.; Syková E.; Jendelova P.; Kostic J.; moreno, Victoria; Stojkovic, Miodrag; Bhattacharya S.; Erceg, Slaven
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2014Disparate behavior of pyrazine and pyridazine platinum(II) dimers in the hydrolysis of histidine- and methionine-containing peptides and unique crystal structure of {[Pt(en)Cl]<inf>2</inf>(μ-pydz)}Cl<inf>2</inf> with a pair of NH⋯Cl<sup>-</sup>⋯HN hydrogen bonds supporting the pyridazine bridgeRajković, Snežana; Rychlewska, Urszula; Warżajtis, Beata; Ašanin, Darko; Zivkovic, Marija; Djuran, Miloš