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10.2298-VSP160704371L.pdf.jpg2018Characteristics of suicide in the city of Niš within the period 2000-2010Ljusic D.; Ravanic D.; Tasic, Milan; Danić S.; Cvetkovic J.; Soldatovic, Ivan
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2020Interleukin-33 pretreatment promotes metastatic growth of murine melanoma by reducing the cytotoxic capacity of CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells and enhancing regulatory T cellsJevtovic A.; Pantic, Jelena; Jovanovic I.; Milovanovic, Marija; Stanojevic, Ivan; Vojvodic, Danilo; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Lukic, Miodrag; Radosavljevic, Gordana
10.2298-VSP180622154M.pdf.jpg2020The use of mobile-aided learning in education of local anesthesia for the inferior alveolar nerve blockMladenovic, Rasa; Pereira L.; Djordjevic F.; Vlahovic Z.; Mladenovic K.; Cvetkovic, Aleksandar; Martinovic B.; Mladenovic J.; Popovski J.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022Assessing the Pedological Impact of Local Anesthesia Dental Simulator as Serious GameZafar, Sobia; Mladenovic K.; Al-Qahtani A.; Puranik, Chaitanya; Mladenovic, Rasa
0370-81791504146F.pdf.jpg2015Risk factors for the development of metabolic syndrome in obese children and adolescentsFolic, Nevena; Folic, Marko; Markovic, Slavica; Andjelkovic, Marija; Jankovic, Slobodan
0042-84501209765K.pdf.jpg2012The importance of timely ophthalmologic examination in preterm infants at risk of retinopathy occurrenceKnezevic Rangelov, Sanja; Stojanovic, Nadežda; Oros, Ana; Knezevic, Jasmina
10.5937-mckg53-25305.pdf.jpg2019Measures of patient exposure to ionizing radiation during interventional radiology proceduresOpancina, Valentina; Vojinovic, Radisa
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2019The impact of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training regimes on cardiodynamic parameters in isolated heart of normotensive and hypertensive ratsJakovljevic B.; Nikolic Turnic T.; Jeremić N.; Savic M.; Jeremic, Jovana; Srejovic I.; Belic, Branislav; Ponorac N.; Jakovljevic V.; Zivkovic V.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2015Decreased Interferon γ Production in CD3<sup>+</sup> and CD3<sup>−</sup>CD56<sup>+</sup> Lymphocyte Subsets in Metastatic Regional Lymph Nodes of Melanoma PatientsVuletić A.; Jovanic I.; Jurisic, Vladimir; Milovanovic Z.; Nikolic W.; Spurnic I.; Konjević G.
0354-46641203157V.pdf.jpg2012Morphometric characteristics of the neuro ns of the human subiculum properVulovic, Maja; Zivanovic-Macuzic, Ivana; Jeremic, Dejan; Stojadinovic, Dobrivoje; Tanaskovic, Irena; Popović Deušić, Smiljka; Peljto A.; Tosevski J.