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Ignjatovic Aleksandar

 1. Radovanovic Dragan, Ponorac N., Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Stojiljković N., Popovic M., Raković A., Specific alterations of physiological parameters in competitive race walkers, null, 10.1556/APhysiol.98.2011.4.8 (ISSN 0231-424X)

 2. Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Radovanovic Dragan, Stanković R., Markovic Zoran, Kocic J., Influence of resistance training on cardiorespiratory endurance and muscle power and strength in young athletes, null, 10.1556/APhysiol.98.2011.3.7 (ISSN 0231-424X)

 3. Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Markovic Zoran, Radovanovic Dragan, Effects of 12-week medicine ball training on muscle strength and power in young female handball players, null, 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31823c477e (ISSN 1064-8011)

 4. Bratic Milovan, Radovanovic Dragan, Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Bojic Ivana, Stojiljković N., Changes in the muscular outputs of young judoists during resistance exercises performed on unstable equipment: A case study, null, 10.12659/AOB.882291 10.12659-AOB.882291.pdf

 5. Kocic Miodrag, Bojic Ivana, Aleksandrovic Marko, Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Radovanovic Dragan, Physical Activity in Adolescent with Mental Retardation: Is Adapted Basketball Training Adequate Stimulus to Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Sport Skills Performance?, null, 10.1515/afmnai-2017-0018 (ISSN 0351-6083) 10.1515-afmnai-2017-0018.pdf

 6. Milanovic Z., Sporis Goran, James N., Trajković N., Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Sarmento H., Trecroci Athos, Mendes B., Physiological Demands, Morphological Characteristics, Physical Abilities and Injuries of Female Soccer Players, null, 10.1515/hukin-2017-0091 (ISSN 1640-5544) 10.1515-hukin-2017-0091.pdf

 7. Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Uticaj pedagoških pravaca i ideja u oblasti fizičke kulture na rad Sretena Adžića, null (ISSN 1451-673X) Александар-М.-Игњатовић.pdf

 8. Ignjatović Aleksandar, Miloradović Bojan, Interdisciplinarni pristup u nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja u osnovnoj školi, null (ISSN 2560-550X) 2560-550X1820235I.pdf

 9. Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Radovanovic Dragan, Kocic J., Effects of eight weeks of bench press and squat power training on stable and unstable surfaces on 1RM and peak power in different testing conditions, null, 10.3233/IES-192138 (ISSN 0959-3020)

 10. Radovanovic Dragan, Stoičkov V., Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Scanlan Aaron, Jakovljevic V., Stojanović E., A comparison of cardiac structure and function between female powerlifters, fitness-oriented athletes, and sedentary controls, null, 10.1111/echo.14842 (ISSN 0742-2822)

 11. Toskić L., Dopsaj Milivoj, Markovic M., Toskić D., Ignjatovic Aleksandar, Mechanical and Contractile Properties of Knee Joint Muscles Measured by the Method of Tensiomyography in Differently Trained Men and Women, null, 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003662 (ISSN 1064-8011)

 1. Vuksanović Božarić Aleksandra, Ignjatovic Aleksandar, SEKULARNI TRENDOVI DJECE I ADOLESCENATA KAO OSNOV ZA PLANIRANJE I PROGRAMIRANJE FIZIČKE AKTIVNOSTI, null, 10.46793/STEC20.365B 1-aleksandra-vuksanovic-bozaric-aleksandar-ignjatovic.pdf