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39-SoBT2023_Đurović V. et al.pdf.jpg2023CELERY („APIUM GRAVEOLENS L.“) AS A SOURCE OF PHYTOCHEMICALS WITH ANTIOXIDANT AND ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECTSĐurović, Vesna; Mandić, Leka; Igrošanac, Marija; Radovanović, Mirjana; Pešaković, Marijana; Mladenović, Jelena; Đukić, Dragutin
Characteristics_of_cold_pressed_walnut_(Juglans_regia_L_)_oil_from_Western_and_Central_Serbia_en.pdf.jpg2024Characteristics of cold-pressed walnut (Juglans regia L.) oil from Western and Central Serbia. Journal of Central European AgricultureDjurovic, Vesna; Radovanović, Mirjana; Tomic, Dalibor; Marjanović, Miloš; Marković, Dušan; Mandić, Leka
Chemical and microbial evaluation of biscuits made from wheat flour substituted with wheat sprouts – pred stampu.pdf.jpg2021Chemical and microbial evaluation of biscuits made from wheat flour substituted with wheat sproutsĐurović, Vesna; Radovanović, Mirjana; Mandić, Leka; Knežević D.; Zornić V.; Đukić, Dragutin
chemical composition.pdf.jpg2016Chemical composition and yield of maize green biomass as affected by bacterial and mineral fertilizationStanojković-Sebić, Aleksandra; Đukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Mandić, Violeta; Stanojković, Aleksandar; Pivić, Radmila
Chemical profile and antioksidant activity of Helianthus tuberosus.pdf.jpg2017Chemical profile and antioksidant activity of Helianthus tuberosusMašković, Pavle; Đurović, Saša; Radojković, Marija; Đukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Zelenika, Milica; Djurovic, Vesna
0354-95422254115Q.pdf.jpg2022Comparative analysis of antibacterial and antioxidant activity of three different types of honeyĐurovic, Vesna; Mandić, Leka; Mijatović, Milica; Miletić, Nemanja; Radovanović, Mirjana; Mladenović, Jelena; Pešaković, Marijana; Đukić, Dragutin
agronomy-14-01189-v2.pdf.jpg2024Comparative Study of Vermicomposting: Apple Pomace Alone and in Combination with Wheat Straw and ManureKureljušić, Jasna; Vesković, Slavica; Đukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Djurovic, Vesna; Kureljušić, Branislav; Stojanova, Marina
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2010Composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils of some medicinal and spice plantsCvijović M.; Đukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Acamovic-Djokovic G.; Pesakovic M.
Abstract book_ The content of heavy metal, ohrid, 16.pdf.jpg2016The content of heavy metals in the soil by the state road Čačak-KraljevoDjurovic, Vesna; Tanasković, Snežana; Đukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Knežević, Desimir
262 Podgorica Djukic et al.pdf.jpg2015Correlation Between Fertilizer Type and Rate, Urease Activity and Total Nitrogen and Ammonium Nitrogen Contents in a Chernozem Soil Under WheatĐukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Vesković -Moračanin, Slavica; Kapor, Ivana
137..pdf.jpg2001Current State of Biological Husbandry in the WorldĐukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Stevović, Vladeta
146 Dynamics of Microbial Activity of the Highly , 2003.pdf.jpg2003Dynamics of Microbial Activity of the Highly Present Soil Types of Monte NegroĐukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Zejak, D.; Spalević, V.
ECOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF CHEMICAL POLLUTION OF.pdf.jpg2020Ecological consequences of chemical pollution of the biosphereBošković, Ivana; Đurović, Vesna; Đukić, Dragutin; Mladenović, Jelena; Trifunović, Bojana; Mandić, Leka
149 Efects of chemical and physical soil properties on  activity phosphomonoesteras. 2003.pdf.jpg2003Efects of chemical and physical soil properties on activity phosphomonoesteraseĐorđević, Snežana; Đukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Govedarica, M.; Milošević, N.; Jarak, M.
230 Effect of Biofertilizers on Soil Microbial Activity and Basic Morphological Characteristics of Camellia Sp. and Cupressus Sp..pdf.jpg2012Effect of Biofertilizers on Soil Microbial Activity and Basic Morphological Characteristics of Camellia Sp. and Cupressus Sp.Đukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka
2012The Effect of Bioplant-K and Slavol on Soil Microbial Activity and Growth of The Ornamental Plant Species Ficus Nitida and Euonymus CompactaĐukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Jemcev, V.D.; Rabrenović, J.; Pešaković, Marijana; Stanojković, Aleksandra
1450-71881445011D.pdf.jpg2014Effect of bread dough mixing method on rye bread qualityĐukić, Dragutin; Radović, Milorad; Mandić, Leka; Vesković-Moračanin, Slavica
240  Effect of Conventional and Botanical Insecticides on Soil Microbial Activity.pdf.jpg2012Effect of Conventional and Botanical Insecticides on Soil Microbial ActivityPešaković, Marijana; Milenković, Slobodan; Đukić, Dragutin; Mandić, Leka; Miletić R., R; Karaklajić-Stajić, Žaklina
174  MĐLP 2006 Effect of Different Detergent Concentrations on the.pdf.jpg2006Effect of Different Detergent Concentrations on the Soil Microorganisms NumberMandić, Leka; Đukić, Dragutin; Kalinić, Svetlana; Pešaković, Marijana
Effect of different fertilizers LM 2011.pdf.jpg2011Effect of different fertilizers on the microbial activity and productivity of soil under potato cultivationMandić, Leka; Đukić, Dragutin; Beatović, Ilinka; Jovović, Zoran; Pešaković, Marijana; Stevović, Vladeta