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Showing results 22 to 41 of 73 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
art12_int_LR.pdf.jpg2023Design of instrumented wheelset for measuring wheel-rail interaction forcesBižić, Milan; Petrović, Dragan
3.12.pdf.jpg2012Detection of overheating in axle-boxes of railway vehiclesBižić, Milan; Petrović, Dragan; Tomić, Miloš; Djinović, Zoran
0040-21761605702B.pdf.jpg2016Detekcija neispravnosti ležajeva osovinskih sklopova železničkih vozilaBižić, Milan; Tomić, Miloš; Djinović, Zoran; Petrović, Dragan
IJHVS 25(2) Paper 2-1.pdf.jpg2018Determination of coefficient of restitution in impact of railway wagonsPetrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2012Determination of dynamic sizes during the process of impact of railway wagonsPetrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan; Djelošević Mirko
E.3.pdf.jpg2021Determination of optimal layout, number and way of connection of strain gauges on instrumented railway wheelsetsBižić, Milan; Petrović, Dragan
Paper-Bizic-Kraljevo.pdf.jpg2018Determination of optimal locations of strain gauges on instrumented wheelsetsBižić, Milan; Petrović, Dragan
HM2023-Proceedings-Petrovic, Bizic.pdf.jpg2023Development of Laboratory for Testing of Railway Vehicles and StructuresPetrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2017Development of method for experimental determination of wheel-rail contact forces and contact point position by using instrumented wheelsetBižić, Milan; Petrović, Dragan; Tomic M.; Djinovic Z.
Paper - Dragan Petrovic - Milan Bizic - FMCE Kraljevo.pdf.jpg2023Development of wireless system for temperature measuring in axle-bearings of railway vehiclesPetrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan
Paper - Djelosevic.pdf.jpg2011Distribution of Bending Moments on the Plates of Carrier with Trapezoidal Cross SectionDjelošević, Mirko; Gajić, Vladeta; Petrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan
Paper - Dragan Petrovic.pdf.jpg2010Distribution of energy in the impact of railway freight wagonsPetrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan; Djelošević, Mirko
2  Dragan Petrovic, Milan Bizic.pdf.jpg2016Doprinos Dobrivoja S. Božića razvoju kočnica železničkih vozilaPetrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan
Paper - Dragan Petrovic, Milan Bizic.pdf.jpg2019Dynamic testing of car wagons DdamPetrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan
1829_EN.pdf.jpg2019Experimental testing of dynamic behavior of railway vehiclesPetrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2015Experimental testing of impact of railway wagonsBižić, Milan; Petrović, Dragan; Djinovic Z.; Tomic M.
Paper M.Bizic.pdf.jpg2014Functions of wheel-rail contact geometryBižić, Milan; Petrović, Dragan; Pančić, Isidora; Gašić, Milomir
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2019Grey wolf optimiser in design of leaf springs of railway vehiclesBižić, Milan; Marković, Goran; Bulatovic, Radovan; Petrović, Dragan; Dedic M.
2012Identification of local stress parameters influencing the optimum design of box girdersDjelošević Mirko; Gajic V.; Petrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan
1451-20921101025D.pdf.jpg2011Identification of the stress-strain state of a cylindrical tank with walls of variable thicknessDjelošević, Mirko; Petrović, Dragan; Bižić, Milan