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Title: Dinamički komparativ u srpskom i engleskom jeziku
Authors: Josijević, Jelena M.
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Dynamic comparatives are used to express changing intensities of adjectival/adverbial scalar properties in spatial and temporal dimension (Piper 2005). In other words, dynamic comparatives are used to signify the continual increase or decrease in the intensity of any property expressed by morphological comparatives. This paper analyzes lexical and/or structural means of expressing dynamic comparatives in Serbian and English. The contrastive analysis has been conducted with electronic parallel corpus Englesko-srpski paralelni korpus (ESPK) which allows its users to select the desired direction. Here, we have opted for performing the analysis in both directions: from Serbian to English (S – E) and from English to Serbian (E – S). The analysis shows that dynamic comparative appears in only one form in Serbian: particle sve + comparative (+ i + comparative). In English language, there are four grammaticalised models of dynamic comparative: (1) synthetic comparative + and + synthetic comparative (of the same lexeme), (2) more + and + more + positive (used with adjectives which have analytic comparison only), (3) adverbial particle with universal quantificational force ever + positive, and finally (4) adverbials like increasingly, progressively, gradually or growingly + comparative/positive.
Type: article
DOI: 10.18485/uzdanica.2020.17.1.8
ISSN: 1451-673X
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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