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Title: The first record of Dixella aestivalis (Meigen, 1818) (Diptera: Dixidae) in Serbia
Authors: Simović, Predrag
Simić, Vladica
Petrović, Ana
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The meniscus midges Dixella aestivallis (Meigen, 1818) was recorded for the first time on the territory of Serbia. This species was found in the Karamejdan Lake on the territory of the protected nature reserve Pešter plateau, the highest Karst plateau of the Balkan Peninsula. The larva of D. aestivalis was detected in a locality with well-developed aquatic vegetation and high value of oxygen concentration. Dixella aestivalis is a eurytopic species, which prefers to live in different types of small stagnant waters. This study is a result of the ongoing monitoring of freshwater ecosystems. This finding is the starting point for further studies of these species in Serbia.
Type: article
DOI: 10.5937/KgJSci2244207S
ISSN: 1450-9636
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science, Kragujevac

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