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Пун извештај метаподатака
Поље DC-а ВредностЈезик
dc.contributor.authorZdravkovic, Dejan-
dc.contributor.authorJovanović, Milica-
dc.contributor.authorPapić, Miloš-
dc.contributor.authorRistic, Vladimir-
dc.contributor.authorMilojevic Samanovic, Andjela-
dc.contributor.authorKocovic, Aleksandar-
dc.contributor.authorSovrlic, Miroslav-
dc.contributor.authorVuletic, Milena-
dc.contributor.authorMisic, Aleksandra-
dc.contributor.authorMladenovic, Rasa-
dc.contributor.authorMilosavljevic, Marko-
dc.contributor.authorTodić J.-
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to evaluate the applicability of the Kvaal method in determining the age of a Serbian population. In this retrospective descriptive study, 170 dental patients (age range 16–77 years) were included. The measurements of six types of teeth were performed on digital orthopantomography radiographs according to the Kvaal method. Statistical inter-observer and intra-observer reliabilities were calculated to evaluate the reproducibility of the measurements, as well as to examine the correlation between chronological age and measured values. The evaluation revealed a substantial difference (over 12 years) between chronological and estimated age. The P ratio had the strongest correlation with chronological age for the maxillary central (r = ±0.293) and lateral incisors (r = ±0.240), whereas the pulp/root width ratio at level A had the strongest correlation for the mandibular first premolars (r = ±0.270). The lowest SD values, for measurements on teeth 15/25 (SD = 125,787), had the most accurate correlation with age. Thus, we can conclude that the original Kvaal method is not applicable in the age estimation of the Serbian population. For future research, we suggest using cone beam computer tomography as a precise technology to evaluate the applicability of Kvaal and other methods for age estimation.-
dc.titleApplication of the Kvaal Method in Age Estimation of the Serbian Population Based on Dental Radiographs-
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac

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