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Назив: Grafija i pravopis Zbornika zakona i uredaba Kneževine Srbije za 1847. godinu
Аутори: Pavlovic, Jelena
Датум издавања: 2020
Сажетак: In this paper we analyze the graphemes and the orthography within the Legal code of Principality of Serbia in the year 1845, which represents the official standpoint concerning graphemes and orthography. We established that the documents are written using the alphabet predating the reforms of Vuk Karadžić and they do not divert from the norms of similar documents from this period. Additionally, some inconsistencies within the use of orthographic rules can be noted. The following orthographic norms are employed: morpho-phonological, historical, ideographical and phonetic. The graphemes and orthography of the Code itself are consistent throughout the documents with few exceptions.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/18028
Тип: article
ISSN: 2367-8119
Налази се у колекцијама:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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Jelena Pavlovic Jovanovic Grafija i pravopis Zbornika zakona i uredaba Knezevine Srbije za 1847. godinu.pdf579.51 kBAdobe PDFСличица

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