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dc.contributor.authorPolomac, Vladimir-
dc.identifier.citationВладимир Поломац, Женска имена у Поменику манастира Св. Тројице код Пљеваља (XVI век), у: Ј. Стојановић (ур.), Српско језичко и књижевно насљеђе на простору данашње Црне Горе. Српски језик и књижевност данас, Подгорица: Матица српска – Друштво чланова у Црној Гори, 2019, стр. 505–513.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper studies the system of female personal names in the manuscript: Commemorative Book of the monastery of the Holy Trinity (Pljevlja, XVI century). The manuscript is written on paper, it contains 283 sheets of paper (215 x 155 mm), it originates from the last quarter of the XVI century (between 1575 and 1585), and is safeguarded in the monastery’s treasury number 74. The analysis of female proper names is undertaken in order to establish their structural and semantic characteristics, as well as to compare them to the state of anthroponymic sources from the XVI and XVII century. In general, the conducted research reflects the state noted in other commemorative books, but also complements and further develops our previous findings, concerning the repertoire of female names in the Serbian language, from the XVI and XVII century, bringing forth new confirmations of rare names or confirming, for the first time, the existence of thus far unrecorded names: Belovita, Beoka, Vujčica, Vučisava, Vičisava, Vičica, Deha, Jevrenija, Jesenka, Roka, Ugra, Hrnja, Cenija, Cura. On the other hand, the studied anthroponymic texts represent a significant testament of the developmental processes in the medieval Serbian language, most notably the fate of the syllabic /l/, /l/ at the end of a syllable, the old Serbian vowel “jat”, and the consonant /h/.vlja (XVI Century)en_US
dc.publisherMatica srpska – Društvo članova u Crnoj Gorien_US
dc.sourceSrpsko jezičko i književno nasljeđe na prostoru današnje Crne Gore-
dc.subjectfemale personal namesen_US
dc.subjectmedieval Serbian commemorative booksen_US
dc.subjectXVI centuryen_US
dc.subjectmonastery of the Holy Trinityen_US
dc.titleŽenska imena u Pomeniku manastira Sv. Trojice kod Pljevalja (XVI vek)en_US
dc.title.alternativeFemale Names in the Commemorative Book of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Pljevlja (XVI Century)en_US
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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