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Authors: Spasić, Jelena Lj.
Journal: NASLEĐE: časopis za književnost, jezik, umetnost i kulturu
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: One of the fundamental characteristics of Dejan Aleksić’s literary works for children is play, which is why this multi-awarded children’s writer is considered a successor of Dušan Radović. Proper names in children’s literature do not often have a naming function only, but contribute to the characterization of characters or provide the reader with important information about the place where the action takes place. The aim of the paper is to show how picturesque names produce an expressive value in different genres of Dejan Aleksic’s literary creation for children. The paper studies the functional significance of antonomasia, kenning, and tmezic puns for the interpretation of literary texts. The analysis was carried out using the linguistic method, and the corpus consists of genre-bending works for children by Dejan Aleksić. The aim of the paper is to point out the stylogenicity of antonomasia, kenning, and tmezic puns in the examined corpus and to show that playing with linguistic structure in names is one of the reasons why we consider Aleksić a new classic, a continuation of not only D. Radović but also J. Jovanović Zmaj, B. Ćopić, D. Maksimović, and Lj. Ršumović, in whose literary works for children we have already analyzed the aforementioned stylistic figures. Picturesque names produced using antonomasia, kenning, and tmezic puns have a very important role for the interpretation of literary texts for children. Antonomasia can give information about the main characteristics of the character and produce plenty of associations, kenning introduces a child-recipient into the fabula, and the tmezic pun is used to achieve a comic effect.
Type: article
DOI: 10.46793/NasKg2457.317S
ISSN: 18201768
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education, Jagodina

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