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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1004
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Comparative analysis of digital signatures based on rsa cryptography and elleptic curve cryptography_Franc.pdf.jpg2021Comparative Analysis Of Digital Signatures Based On RSA Cryptography And Elliptic Curve CryptographyDražić, Miloš; Jovanović, Miloš; Franc, Igor; Đokić, Dragan; Tomašević Dražić, Bojana
Security of government critical infrastructures with SCADA_Franc.pdf.jpg2021Security of Government Critical Infrastructures with SCADAJovanović, Miloš; Franc, Igor; Dražić, Miloš; Biga, Nenad; Tomašević Dražić, Bojana
2021Improvement of Neural Networks Applied to Photoacoustic Signals of Semiconductors with Added NoiseDjordjevic, Katarina; Galovic, Slobodanka; Jordovic Pavlovic, Miroslava; Ćojbašić, Žarko; Markushev, Dragan
2025Resilient consensus tracking control and vibration suppression of moving multiple helicopter flexible slung-load systemsPeng, Zenglong; Song, Xiaona; Song, Shuai; Tejado, Inés; Stojanović, Vladimir
Application and potential benefits of gamification in education_Franc.pdf.jpg2021Application And Potential Benefits Of Gamification In EducationMilašinović, Miloš; Jovanovic, Milos; Franc, Igor; Orčić, Stefan; Biga, Nenad
ICPPP21_Jordovic_Pavlovic.pdf.jpg2022The reduction of neural network input vector for efficient optimization of photoacoustic calibrationJordovic Pavlovic, Miroslava; Popović, Marica; Galovic, Slobodanka; Djordjevic, Katarina; Nesic, Mioljub; Markushev, Dragana; Markushev, Dragan
AI_Direction_in_Medicine_Jordovic_Pavlovic.pdf.jpg2024AI Direction in Medicine: Systematic Review of Recent Advances and OpportunitiesJordovic Pavlovic, Miroslava; Nikolić, Milica; Milicevic, Vladimir
2024Cam displacement curve optimization for minimal jerk using search and rescue optimization algorithmTodorović, Marko; Marković, Goran Dj.; Bulatovic, Radovan; Boskovic, Marina; Savković, Mile
2025Symbolic Analysis of Classical Neural Networks for Deep LearningMilicevic, Vladimir; Franc, Igor; Lutovac Banduka, Maja; Zdravkovic, Nemanja; Dimitrijevic, Nikola
2025Efficient feature fusion network for small objects detection of traffic signs based on cross-dimensional and dual-domain informationTao, Hongfeng; Huang, Zuojun; Wang, Yue; Qiu, Jier; Stojanović, Vladimir
2025Asynchronous state estimation for switched nonlinear reaction–diffusion SIR epidemic models with impulsive effectsSong, Xiaona; Peng, Zenglong; Song, Shuai; Stojanović, Vladimir
TV_32_2025_1_17-24.pdf.jpg2025Assessment of Representative Measurement Time Intervals for Environmental Noise MonitoringMihajlov, Darko; Prascevic, Momir; Raos, Miomir; Radičević, Branko
Disertacija_Goran_Boskovic.pdf.jpg2024Razvoj metode za određivanje zona opasnosti od požara u visokoregalnim skladištimaBošković, Goran
1-s2.0-S2352012424021660-main-1.pdf.jpg2025A pseudo-rigid-body approach for dynamic analysis of planar compliant mechanismsŠalinić, Slaviša; Bižić, Milan
2025Composite neural learning-based adaptive actuator failure compensation control for full-state constrained autonomous surface vehicleSong, Shuai; Jiang, Yu; Song, Xiaona; Stojanović, Vladimir
PHOTONICA2019_Jordovic_Pavlovic_abstract.pdf.jpg2019Computationally intelligent characterization of a photoacoustic detectorJordovic Pavlovic, Miroslava; Kupusinac, Aleksandar; Djordjevic, Katarina; Galovic, Slobodanka; Markushev, Dragan; Nesic, Mioljub; Popović, Marica
OPTIMAL DESIGN OF THE HYBRID I-GIRDER OF THE SINGLE- BEAM BRIDGE CRANE.pdf.jpg2024OPTIMAL DESIGN OF THE HYBRID I-GIRDER OF THE SINGLE BEAM BRIDGE CRANEPavlovic, Goran; Savković, Mile; Zdravković, Nebojša B.; Marković, Goran Dj.; Todorović, Marko; Mladenović, Predrag
Analysis and low-weight design of the cold-formed battened built-up column.pdf.jpg2024Analysis and low-weight design of the cold-formed battened built-up columnPavlović, Goran; Savković, Mile; Zdravković, Nebojša B.; Marković, Goran Dj.; Mladenović, Predrag; Todorović, Marko; Bulatovic, Radovan
2024A finite difference scheme for the approximation of the third initial boundary value parabolic problemSredojević, Bratislav; Milovanović Jeknić, Zorica; Bojović, Dejan
SMAK_2024_Sredojevic_B.pdf.jpg2024About a class of nonlocal hyperbolic equationsMilovanović Jeknić, Zorica; Bojović, Dejan; Sredojević, Bratislav; Delić, Aleksandra; Živanović, Sandra
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1004