Faculty of Science, Kragujevac Collection home page


The Faculty of Science in Kragujevac is constantly evolving and is one of the leading members of the University of Kragujevac. Based on the results of scientific research and pedagogical work of its professors and staff, it is highly ranked among the leading universities in Serbia, with a dedicated and strong international cooperation.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2275
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
C_1.pdf.jpg2018Aromaticity of Roesky's ketoneĐurović, Igor; Đorđević, Slađana; Radenković, Slavko
C_2.pdf.jpg2018Valence bond study of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in malonildialdehydeĐorđević, Slađana; Radenković, Slavko
C_3.pdf.jpg2021Modulating the magnetically induced current density in monocyclic Li clustersĐorđević, Slađana; Radenković, Slavko
C_4.pdf.jpg2022Magnetically induced current densities in singlet and triplet disk-like boron clustersĐorđević, Slađana; Solà, Miquel; Radenković, Slavko
C_5.pdf.jpg2022Disk aromaticity in singlet and triplet boron clusters. A current density point of viewĐorđević, Slađana; Solà, Miquel; Radenković, Slavko
C_6.pdf.jpg2022Effect of benzo-annelation on local aromaticity: to what extent do different aspects of aromaticity agree?Radenković, Slavko; Đorđević, Slađana
C_7.pdf.jpg2022Magnetic properties of altan-[n]annulenesĐorđević, Slađana; Radenković, Slavko
C_8.pdf.jpg2023Cylindrical aromaticity in ferrocene and its analoguesĐorđević, Slađana; Radenković, Slavko
C_9.pdf.jpg2024Revealing structural dependence of the triplet state excitation energies in conjugated moleculesĐorđević, Slađana; Radenković, Slavko
C_11.pdf.jpg2024Magnetic properties of periodo-bicyclic hydrocarbonsĐorđević, Slađana; Radenković, Slavko
C_10.pdf.jpg2024Ring currents in periodo-hydrocarbonsĐorđević, Slađana; Radenković, Slavko
HP-3-18-1.pdf.jpg2018Vezivanje pomakom naelektrisanja – novi tip hemijske vezeĐorđević, Slađana; Radenkovic, Slavko
HP-4-19-1.pdf.jpg2019Simuliranje hemijskih spektara pomoću softvera za molekulsko modeliranjeMarkovic, Svetlana; Đorđević, Slađana; Redžepović, Izudin; Milanović, Žiko
HP-1-22-1.pdf.jpg202225 godina indeksa aromatičnosti NIKSĐorđević, Slađana; Radenkovic, Slavko; Puchta, Ralph; Jiao, Haijun; Van Eikema Hommes, Nico J. R.
chemistry-03-00077.pdf.jpg2021The B2 Structural Motif as a Tool for Modulating Ring Currents in Monocyclic Li ClustersĐorđevic, Slađana; Radenkovic, Slavko
04_djordjevic_29.pdf.jpg2023Electronic structure and aromaticity of [12]infinitene. A DFT studyĐorđevic, Slađana; Ćoćić, Dušan; A. H. Al-Yassiri, Muntadar; Radenkovic, Slavko; Puchta, Ralph
03_djordjevic_31.pdf.jpg2024Magnetically induced current densities in phenylenes in the ground and lowest lying triplet excited statesĐorđevic, Slađana; Rakonjac, Jovana; Radenkovic, Slavko
rad1.pdf.jpg2020Знање је кључ - Escape rooм у настави хемијеĐurđević Nikolić, Jelena; Stašević, Filip
AbstractAAA2023-AntiGaussianSemicircle.pdf.jpg2023Anti-Gaussian quadrature rules related to orthogonality on the semicircleMilosavljević, Aleksandra; Stanić, Marija; Tomović Mladenović, Tatjana; Milosavljević, Aleksandra
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2275

The Faculty of Science in Kragujevac is constantly evolving and is one of the leading members of the University of Kragujevac. Based on the results of scientific research and pedagogical work of its professors and staff, it is highly ranked among the leading universities in Serbia, with a dedicated and strong international cooperation. The state of Serbia and its Ministry of Education and Science provide great support and assistance to the development of the Faculty of Science and the entire University.