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PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022New ruthenium(ii) complexes with quinone diimine and substituted bipyridine as inert ligands: synthesis, characterization, mechanism of action, DNA/HSA binding affinity and cytotoxic activityMedjedovic, Milica; Simović, Ana; Ćoćić, Dušan; Senft L.; Matic, Sanja; Todorovic, Danijela; Popovic, Suzana; Baskic, Dejan; Petrović, Biljana
10.1155-2020-1939768.pdf.jpg2020Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Secretome in the Treatment of SARS-CoV-2-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeHarrell C.; Jovicic B.; Djonov, Valentin; Volarevic, Vladislav
10.2298-SARH180108025T.pdf.jpg2018Approach to the wide QRS-complex tachycardiaTomašević, Miloje; Aleksandrić, Srđan; Rakočević, Jelena; Miloradović, Vladimir; Srećković, Miodrag
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2012Nitroglycerine effects on portal vein mechanics and oxidative stress in portal hypertensionVujanac A.; Jakovljevic, Vladimir; Djordjevic, Dusica; Zivkovic, Vladimir; Stojković M.; Celikovic D.; Anđelković, Nebojša; Jurisic Skevin, Aleksandra; Djuric, Dragan M.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Performance Analysis of MVDR Beamformer Applied on an End-fire Microphone Array Composed of Unidirectional MicrophonesŠarić, Zoran; Subotić M.; Bilibajkic R.; Barjaktarovic, Marko; Zdravkovic, Nebojsa
Psychometric properties of dental fear survey in Serbian population.pdf.jpg2019Psychometric properties of dental fear survey in Serbian populationOgnjanović, Irena; Milenković, Strahinja; Ristić, Ivan; Mihajlović, Filip; Martinović, Filip; Ignjatović Ristić, Dragana
10.2298-VSP180727158P.pdf.jpg2020IL-32 expression associated with lymph vessel invasion in intestinal type of gastric cancerPavlovic, Mladen; Jurisevic M.; Gajovic N.; Mitrović P.; Jovanovic M.; Radosavljevic, Gordana; Pantic, Jelena; Radovanovic D.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Jovanovic I.
10.1002-term.2452.pdf.jpg2018Mesenchymal stem cells protect from acute liver injury by attenuating hepatotoxicity of liver natural killer T cells in an inducible nitric oxide synthase- and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-dependent mannerGazdic, Marina; Simovic Markovic, Bojana; Vucicevic, Ljubica; Nikolić B.; Djonov V.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Trajkovic V.; Lukic, Miodrag; Volarevic, Vladislav
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022UNEXPLORED BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES AND PHYTOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF METHANOLIC EXTRACTS OF ACHILLEA AGERATIFOLIA SUBSP. SERBICA (NYMAN) HEIMERLRadojevic, Ivana; Mladenovic, Katarina; Čomić, Ljiljana; Rakovic, Ivana; Milošević-Đorđević, Olivera; Grujičić, Darko; Markovic Aleksandra; Tubić Vukajlović Jovana; Đelić, Gorica; Topuzovic, Marina; Mihailović, Nevena
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2011The influence of training status on oxidative stress in young male handball playersĐorđević, Dušica; Čubrilo, Dejan; Macura M.; Barudžić, Nevena; Djuric, Dragan; Jakovljevic, Vladimir