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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10.3390-ijerph17041289.pdf.jpg2020Alcohol Consumption among the Elderly Citizens in Hungary and Serbia-Comparative AssessmentMihailović N.; Szollosi G.; Rancic, Nemanja; János S.; Boruzs K.; Nagy A.; Timofeyev, Yuriy; Dragojević Simić V.; Antunovic M.; Reshetnikov, Vladimir; Ádany R.; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo
0370-81791306384M.pdf.jpg2013Solid and cystic pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas: A case reportMilosevic, Bojan; Marković, Rade; Cvetkovic, Aleksandar
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2015Population pharmacokinetics of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in healthy young adultsMilovanovic, Olivera; Milovanovic, Jasmina; djukic, aleksandar; Matovic, Milovan; Tomic Lucic, Aleksandra; Glumbić N.; Barjaktarevic, Ana; Jankovic, Slobodan
10.2298-SARH1604232P.pdf.jpg2016Acute renal failure in patients with tumour lysis sindromePoskurica, Mileta; Petrovic, Dejan; Poskurica, Mina
10.2298-VSP141106143S.pdf.jpg2016The prevalence and socioeconomic correlates of depressive and anxiety symptoms in a group of 1,940 Serbian university studentsSimic Vukomanovic, Ivana; Mihajlovic, Goran; Kocic H.; Djonović, Nela; Banković D.; Vukomanovic V.; Djukić Dejanović S.
10.17305-bjbms.2011.2561.pdf.jpg2011Orbital metastases from breast cancer: A case reportJanićijević-Petrović M.; Sarenac Vulovic, Tatjana; Sreckovic M.; Vulovic, Dejan; Janicijevic K.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2019The cardioprotective effects of diallyl trisulfide on diabetic rats with ex vivo induced ischemia/reperfusion injuryJeremic, Jovana; Jakovljevic V.; Zivkovic V.; Srejovic I.; Bradic, Jovana; Bolevich, Sergey; Nikolic Turnic T.; Mitrović Z.; Jovicic, Nemanja; Tyagi S.; Jeremić N.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Suicide in SerbiaIlic, Milena; Ilic, Irena
0350-12212004149M.pdf.jpg2020Bochdalek hernia in an adult patient: Case reportMeta-Jevtović, Ivana; Đokić, Bojan; Suša, Romana; Ćupurdija, Vojislav
10.5937-mckg49-8510.pdf.jpg2015Transplantation through the agesVlaisavljevic, Zeljko; Jankovic, Slobodan; Djulafic D.; Milun Petrović D.