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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10.1089-tmj.2014.0146.pdf.jpg2015THYRPAN-TM Prototype: New System for Online Telemonitoring of Patients with Thyroid Carcinoma during the Treatment with a High Dose of RadioiodineMatovic, Milovan; Jeremic M.; Jankovic, Slobodan; Urošević V.; Ravlic M.; Vlajkovic M.
10.17305-bjbms.2012.2514.pdf.jpg2012Prostatic carcinoma bilateral iris metastasesSarenac Vulovic, Tatjana; Petrovic M.; Sreckovic M.; Radovanović M.; Vulovic, Dejan; Janicijevic K.
10.5937-mckg46-1219.pdf.jpg2012Posology of homeopathic medicineCupara S.; Milovanovic, Olivera
10.2298-VSP160701239V.pdf.jpg2018Rhinoplasty without nasal packing and splintingVulovic, Dejan; Kozarski J.; Radivojčević U.; Stepić N.; Milićević V.; Petrovic, Nenad
10.3389-fpubh.2018.00156.pdf.jpg2018Editorial: Translation of Genomic Results Into Public Health PracticeDjordjevic, Natasa; Boccia, Stefania; Ádany R.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2011Glycolic acid peeling in the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory facial acne vulgarisPeric, Sanja; Bubanj M.; Bubanj S.; Jančić, Snežana
10.1002-jcla.21632.pdf.jpg2013Optimization of PCR conditions for amplification of GC-rich EGFR promoter sequenceObradović, Jasmina; Jurišić, Vladimir; Tošić, Nataša; Mrdjanovic Jasminka; Perin Branislav; Pavlović, Sonja; Djordjević, Nataša
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2014Factors associated with severe postoperative pain in patients with total hip arthroplastyPetrović N.; Milovanovic, Dragan; Ignjatović Ristić D.; Riznic N.; Ristic, Branko; Stepanovic Z.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2023Biomimetics in Orthopedic Surgery and TraumatologyRadunovic A.; Radunovic O.; Vulovic, Maja; Aksic M.
10.1515-med-2019-0093.pdf.jpg2020Potential drug-drug interactions in acute ischemic stroke patients at the Neurological Intensive Care UnitAleksic, Dejan; Jankovic R.; Mlosavljevic M.; Toncev, Gordana; Miletic Drakulic, Svetlana; Stefanovic, Srdjan