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10.1515-SJECR-2016-0064.pdf.jpg2017Usage of intramammary antimicrobial veterinary medicinal products in the republic of Serbia from 2011 to 2014Andjelkovic, Jelena; Radonjić, Vesela
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Review of Diagnosis-Related Group-Based Financing of Hospital CareMihailović N.; Kocic, Sanja; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo
10.1155-2021-9458587.pdf.jpg2021The Influence of Menopause and Inflammation on Redox Status and Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Rheumatoid ArthritisStojanovic, Aleksandar; Veselinović M.; Draginic N.; Rankovic M.; Andjic M.; Bradic, Jovana; Bolevich, Sergey; Antovic A.; Jakovljevic V.
10.2298-AOO1301014D.pdf.jpg2013Values of alkaline phosphathase and their isoenzyme profiles in patients with cancer in respect to bone and liver metastasisDokić-Lišanin M.; Pantovic, Vesna; Jovanovic, Zorica; Samardzic G.; Jurisic, Vladimir
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on cardiodynamics and oxidative stress in rats with sepsisJevtic A.; Zivkovic, Vladimir; Milinkovic M.; Mijailovic, Zeljko; Draginic, Nevena; Andjic, Marijana; Milojevic Samanovic, Andjela; Bolevich, Sergey; Jakovljevic, Vladimir
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2018The beneficial effects of sulfur-containing amino acids on cisplatininduced cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity in rodentsRosic, Gvozden; Joksimovic, Jovana; Selakovic, Dragica; Jakovljevic V.; Zivkovic V.; Srejovic I.; Djuric M.; Djuric, Dragan M.
0370-81791012737M.pdf.jpg2010Determinants of the most significant characteristics of reproductive healthMiljkovic, Snezana; Djokić, Dragoljub; Djukić Dejanović, Slavica; Grbić, Gordana; Mitrašinović, Dejan; Radosavljević-Svetozarević, Jelena; Prelević, Rade; Krivokapić, Žarko; Višnjić, Aleksandar
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2015Microstructure and wettability of root canal dentine and root canal filling materials after different chemical irrigationAntonijević Đ.; Milovanovic, Petar; Brajkovic, Denis; Ilić Komatina D.; Hahn M.; Amling M.; Rakocevic, Zlatko; Djuric M.; Busse, Björn
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022Transcultural adaptation and validation of the Serbian version of the colorectal-specific quality of life questionnaire FACT-CIlic Zivojinovic J.; Krdzic, Igor; Jovanovic, Ana; Vukasinovic D.; Ilic B.; Gavrilovic, Aleksandar; Soldatovic, Ivan
10.1002-stem.619.pdf.jpg2011Concise review: Stem cells for the treatment of cerebellar-related disordersErceg, Slaven; moreno, Victoria; Garita-Hernandez M.; Stojkovic, Miodrag; Bhattacharya S.