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PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2014Predictive parameters of survival in hemodialysis patients with restless leg syndrome.Stolic, Radojica; Trajkovič G.; Jekic D.; Sovtic S.; Jovanovic, Aleksandar; Stolic D.; Stanojevic Pirkovic, Marijana; Djordjevic Z.
10.3889-MJMS.1857-5773.2013.0328.pdf.jpg2013Treatment of multiple chalazions with intralesional Kenalog-40 injections in juvenile patient: A case reportJanićijević-Petrović M.; Jancic, Snežana; Janicijevic, Katarina; Popovic A.
10.3390-ijms20010006.pdf.jpg2019Standardized aronia melanocarpa extract as novel supplement against metabolic syndrome: A rat modelJakoviljevic V.; Milić P.; Bradic, Jovana; Jeremic, Jovana; Zivkovic V.; Srejovic I.; Turnic T.; Stojic, Isidora; Jeremić N.; Bolevich, Sergey; Borovic M.; Mitrovic M.; Vucic, Vesna
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2015Intentional Self-Poisonings and Unintentional Poisonings of Adolescents With Nonfatal OutcomesRancic, Nemanja; Rankovic A.; Savić Zdravković, Dimitrija; Abramovic A.; Rancic J.; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo
10.4149-gpb_2012_025.pdf.jpg2012Comparison of blood pro/antioxidant levels before and afer acute exercise in athletes and non-athletesDjordjevic D.; Čubrilo D.; Barudzic N.; Vuletic, Milena; Zivkovic V.; Nešić, Miroslav; Radovanovic, Dragan; Djuric D.; Jakovljevic V.
10.1515-SJECR-2015-0049.pdf.jpg2015Clinical presentation of the abuse of insulin: Hypoglycaemic coma and aspiration pneumonia in non-professional bodybuildersPetrović, Ivica; Petrovic, Sara; Vujanac K.; Petrovic, Marina; Lazic Z.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2013Expression of Bcl2L12 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients: Association with clinical and molecular prognostic markersKaran-Djurasevic T.; Palibrk V.; Zukic B.; Spasovski V.; Glumac I.; Colovic, Mirjana; Čolović N.; Jurisic, Vladimir; Scorilas, Andreas; Pavlović A.; Tosic, Natasa
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2018Quality of life in institutionalized patients with schizophreniaPetrović-Kitić A.; Jankovic, Slobodan
10.2478-sjecr-2019-0039.pdf.jpg2019The effect of the chronic administration of dpp4inhibitors on systemic oxidative stress in rats with diabetes type 2Bolevich, Sergey; Milosavljevic I.; Draginic N.; Andjic M.; Jeremić N.; Bolevich, Sergey; Litvitsky P.; Jakovljevic V.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Meta-analysis of the changes in correlations between depression instruments used in longitudinal studiesBukumirič Z.; Starčevič V.; Stanisavljević D.; Marinkovic J.; Milic N.; Djukić Dejanović, Slavica; Janjic, Vladimir; Corac A.; Ilic A.; Kostic M.; Nikolic I.; Trajkovič G.