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10.1007-s12015-011-9270-6.pdf.jpg2012Development of a Human Extracellular Matrix for Applications Related with Stem Cells and Tissue EngineeringEscobedo-Lucea, Carmen; Ayuso Á.; Xiong C.; Prado López, Sonia; Sánchez del Pino, Manuel; Melguizo Sanchis, Dario; Bellver-Estelles C.; González-Granero, Susana; Valero M.; Moreno R.; Burks D.; Stojkovic, Miodrag
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2011Electrochemical chlorination of physcion - An approach to naturally occurring chlorinated secondary metabolites of lichensStevanović, Dragana; Damljanović, Ivan; Vukićević, Miomir; Manojlovic, Nedeljko; Radulovic, Niko; Vukicevic R.
10.3390-ijms22147755.pdf.jpg2021Microbeam radiotherapy—a novel therapeutic approach to overcome radioresistance and enhance anti‐tumour response in melanomaTrappetti V.; Fazzari J.; Fernandez Palomo, Cristian; Scheidegger M.; Volarevic, Vladislav; Martin O.; Djonov, Valentin
10.1007-s00228-018-2448-y.pdf.jpg2018N-Acetyltransferase-2 (NAT2) phenotype is influenced by genotype-environment interaction in EthiopiansAklillu E.; CARRILLO, JUAN ANTONIO; Makonnen E.; Bertilsson L.; Djordjevic, Natasa
0370-81791310640D.pdf.jpg2013Risk factors of nosocomial infections caused by piperacillin-tazobactam resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosaDjordjevic, Zorana; Gajovic, Olgica; Mijailovic, Zeljko; Ilic, Aleksandra; Stolic, Radojica
10.1515-SJECR-2016-0012.pdf.jpg2016Updates on the treatment of pterygiumTodorovic, Danijela; Vulović A.; Sreckovic M.; Jovanovic, Svetlana; Janicijevic K.; Todorovic Z.
0042-84501500106P.pdf.jpg2015Etiology and mechanisms of ulnar and median forearm nerve injuriesPuzović, Vladimir; Samardžić, Miroslav; Jovanovic, Milan; Živković, Bojana; Savić, Andrija; Rasulić, Lukas
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2015Assessment of oxidative status in patients with acute kidney injury: A pilot studyPesic, Snezana; Milinkovic, Marija; Vuletic, Milena; Barudžić, Nevena; Zivkovic, Vladimir; Jakovljevic, Vladimir; Djuric, Dragan; Stojimirovic B.
10.4317-medoral.21161.pdf.jpg2016Efficacy of fentanyl transdermal patch in pain control after lower third molar surgery: A preliminary studyTodorović V.; Vasovic, Miroslav; Andric, Miroslav; Todorović L.; Koković V.
10.32383-appdr-100662.pdf.jpg2019Antipsychotics and low Vitamin D - Additional data calling for drug causality assessmentRistic Z.; Milovanovic, Dragan; Janjić V.; Stanojević-Pirković M.; Simic Vukomanovic, Ivana; Curcic D.; Kocić S.