Browsing by Author Dubonjic, Ljubisa

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024ADP–based control of a two–wheeled self–balancing mobile robotStojanović, Vladimir; Đorđević, Vladimir; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Nikolić, Marko; Bulatovic, Radovan
COMETa2024_janani.pdf.jpg2024Analyzing and Optimizing PI Controller Methods for Two Tank System: A Laboratory-Based StudyJanani, Rajaraman; Prodanović, Saša; Chittaluri, Sai Phani Chandra; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Stojanović, Vladimir
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Application of cuckoo search algorithm to constrained control problem of a parallel robot platformStojanović, Vladimir; Nedić, Novak; Pršić, Dragan; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Đorđević, Vladimir
saum2014_prsic.pdf.jpg2014Automatic Machines with Multiple Axes Wood Processing in Small and Medium EnterprisesNedić, Novak; Lukić, Ljubomir; Pršić, Dragan; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Brašić, Vesna
IJMCS2012.pdf.jpg2012Bond Graph Modeling In SimscapePršić, Dragan; Nedić, Novak; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Đorđević, Vladimir
saum2012_prsic.pdf.jpg2012A Comparative Study of Discrete and Modal Approximation of Hydraulic Transmission LinesPršić, Dragan; Nedić, Novak; Dubonjic, Ljubisa
saum2012_dubonjic.pdf.jpg2012Control in Transport and Dosing Devices with Time Delay - Method for Extracting Region of Absolute StabilityDubonjic, Ljubisa; Brašić, Vesna
10.22190-FUME170505012N.pdf.jpg2017Decoupling control of the tito system supported by the dominant pole placement methodNedić, Novak; Prodanovic, Sasa; Dubonjic, Ljubisa
10.2298-HEMIND170529007D.pdf.jpg2018Design of an H<inf>∞</inf> PI controller with given relative stability and its application to the CSTR problemDubonjic, Ljubisa; Filipovic, Vojislav; Nedić, Novak; Đorđević V.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2011Design of constant gain controllers for the hydraulic control system with a long transmission lineNedić, Novak; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Filipovic, Vojislav
FME2010_dubonjic.pdf.jpg2010Design of Controllers With Fixed Order for Hydraulic Control System With a Long Transmission LineNedić, Novak; Filipovic, Vojislav; Dubonjic, Ljubisa
hm2017_dubonjic.pdf.jpg2017Design of Fixed Order H∞ Controllers with Specified Settling Time using D-DecompositionDubonjic, Ljubisa; Filipovic, Vojislav; Nedić, Novak; Djordjevic, Vladimir
rajaraman_ieti2022.pdf.jpg2022Design of Fractional - Order PI Controller for Multivariable ProcessRajaraman, Janani; Prodanović, Saša; Dubonjic, Ljubisa
IMK-14_dubonjic.pdf.jpg2017Design of PD controllers for systems with high time delayDubonjic, Ljubisa; Nedić, Novak; Stojanović, Vladimir; Veljović, Maja; Gašić, Milomir
10.1155-2013-451312.pdf.jpg2013Design of PI controllers for hydraulic control systemsDubonjic, Ljubisa; Nedić, Novak; Filipovic, Vojislav; Pršić, Dragan
saum2010_dubonjic2.pdf.jpg2010Design of PI Controllers for the Hydraulic Control System with a Long Transmission LineNedić, Novak; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Filipovic, Vojislav
hm2021_dubonjic.pdf.jpg2021Design of PID Controllers for the System of a Pump Controlled Hydro-MotorDubonjic, Ljubisa; Prodanović, Saša; Nedić, Novak; Savković, Mile
icpe2013.pdf.jpg2013Determination of the Describing Function of Nozzle-flapper Type Pneumatic Valve With Two PortsPršić, Dragan; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Djordjevic, Vladimir
HM2014 -1.pdf.jpg2014Harmonic Analysis of a Pneumatic Fixed OrificePršić, Dragan; Dubonjic, Ljubisa; Stojanović, Vladimir; Gašić, Milomir