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Djapic Mirko

 1. Lukić Ljubomir, Djapic Mirko, Ivanović Slobodan, Petrović Aleksandra, NC post-processor generator model for optimization of FMS technologies, null (ISSN 1582-2214) 2012_MI - Lukić Lj. et al..pdf

 2. Djapic Mirko, Popovic P., Lukić Ljubomir, Integration of the technical product risk assessment within the ISO 31000 enterprise risk management concept, null, 10.4028/ (ISSN 1022-6680)

 3. Djapic Mirko, Lukić Ljubomir, Pavlović A., Technical product risk assessment: Standards, integration in the erm model and uncertainty modeling, null, 10.18421/IJQR10.01-08 (ISSN 1800-6450)

 4. Djapic Mirko, Lukić Ljubomir, Pavlović A., An approach to machine tools structure selection for wooden product machining based on evidence networks, null, 10.5937/fmet1604365D (ISSN 1451-2092) 10.5937-fmet1604365D.pdf

 5. Djapic Mirko, Lukić Ljubomir, Fragassa Cristiano, Pavlović A., Petrović Aleksandra, Multi-agent team for engineering: a machining plan in intelligent manufacturing systems, null, 10.1504/IJMMM.2017.088893 (ISSN 1748-5711)

 6. Lukić Ljubomir, Djapic Mirko, Fragassa Cristiano, Pavlović A., Optimization Model for Machining Processes Design in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, null, 10.1142/S0219686718500099 (ISSN 0219-6867)

 7. Mirkov Gligorije, Bakić Zoran, Djapic Mirko, RFID technology in the service of flexible CNC programming, null, 10.5937/IMK1902031M (ISSN 0354-6829) 0354-68291902031M.pdf

 1. Mirkov G., Bakić Z., Djapic Mirko, RFID technology in the function of generating flexible robotic sequences of the FMC, null, 10.1007/s40430-019-2048-5 (ISSN 1678-5878)

 1. Nedić Novak, Petrović Dragan, Pršić Dragan, Djapic Mirko, Ciric-Kostic Snezana, Lukić Ljubomir, International Science and Technical Cooperation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kraljevo, null HM2011_DPa.pdf

 2. Lukić Ljubomir, Djapic Mirko, Lukić D., Petrović Aleksandra, Aspects of design of power transformers for noise reduction, null 2012_N&V - Lukić Lj. et al..pdf

 3. Petrović Zvonko, Lukić Ljubomir, Djapic Mirko, Petrović Aleksandra, Development of the program to prepare tool sets in flexibile manufacturing system, null 2013_SPMS - Petrović Z. et al..pdf

 4. Lukić Ljubomir, Djapic Mirko, Petrović Aleksandra, Kilibarda V., New Concept of Multi-Agent CAPP System in Inteligent Manufacturing Systems, null 2014_HM - Lukić Lj. et al..pdf

 5. Lukić Ljubomir, Djapic Mirko, Popovic P., Petrović Aleksandra, Risk management in power transformators manufacturing, null 2015_IQC - Lukić Lj. et al..pdf

 6. Lukić Ljubomir, Ivanović Slobodan, Petrović Aleksandra, Djapic Mirko, Optimization Model for Machining Processes Design in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, null 2017_HM - Lukić Lj. et al..pdf

 7. Lukić Ljubomir, Djapic Mirko, Petrović Aleksandra, Istorija razvoja CNC mašina alatki u Srbiji, null 2018_SPMS - Lukić Lj. et al..pdf

 8. Djapic Mirko, Popovic P., Lukic L., Lean Business Practice as Support to QMS Implementation in According to ISO 9001:2015, null, 10.1088/1757-899X/682/1/012017 (ISSN 1757-8981) 10.1088-1757-899X-682-1-012017.pdf

 9. Perić Jovana, Kolarevic Milan, Djapic Mirko, Miodragović Tanja, Pajović Stefan, Implementacija LEAN koncepta proizvodnje u malim i srednjim preduzećima, null 2021_SPMS - Perić J. et al..pdf

 10. Perić Jovana, Djapic Mirko, Miodragović Tanja, Pajović Stefan, Determination of the Probability of a Gear Pump Fault Using the Bayes Network and Netica Software, null 2021_HM - Perić J. et al..pdf