Browsing by Author Aleksić, Veljko

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10.15516-cje.v19i2.2060.pdf.jpg2017A literature review of empirical research on the effects of digital games on learning styles and multiple intelligencesAleksic, Veljko; Ivanovic, Mirjana
S401_13.pdf.jpg2022Artificial Intelligence in Education: A ReviewKrstić, Lazar; Aleksić, Veljko; Krstić, Marija
S203_14.pdf.jpg2022Augmented and Virtual Reality in EducationKrstić, Marija; Aleksić, Veljko; Krstić, Lazar
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Commercial off-the-shelf games as learning mediaAleksić, Veljko; Ivanovic, Mirjana; Budimac, Zoran; Popescu, Elvira
0354-68292104149M.pdf.jpg2021Design and computer simulation of automatically controlled hydromechanical system for looped wedge wire screen elements fabricationmilicevic, ivan; Marjanović, Milan; Vujičić, Vojislav; Dragicevic, Snezana; Dučić, Nedeljko; Aleksić, Veljko
19-Veljko-Aleksic.pdf.jpg2019Digital Game-based Learning Operationalization StrategiesAleksić, Veljko
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2017Digital Gameplay Habits and Multiple Intelligences Profile of Early Adolescents Living in Rural AreasAleksić, Veljko; Ivanovic, Mirjana
74 - VI.3..pdf.jpg2024Digital Games as Informal Medium in English Language LearningMarković, Vesna; Aleksić, Veljko
10.15516-cje.v19i3.2262.pdf.jpg2017Early adolescent gender and multiple intelligences profiles as predictors of digital gameplay preferencesAleksić, Veljko; Ivanovic, Mirjana
10.15516-cje.v20i2.2583.pdf.jpg2018Early adolescents’ digital gameplay preferences, habits and addictionAleksić, Veljko
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2018Experiences and perspectives of Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education - Serbian caseIvanovic, Mirjana; Milicević A.; Aleksić, Veljko; Bratic B.; Mandic M.
2560-550X2123167A.pdf.jpg2021Identification of the flow experience in gamified educational environmentAleksić, Veljko; Ristic, Olga
0352-23342302001A.pdf.jpg2023The impact of interactive digital technology exposure on generation Z students learning performance in computer graphics and simulations: A comparative study of Greece and SerbiaAleksić, Veljko; Politis, Dionysios
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Introductory programming subject in European higher educationAleksić, Veljko; Ivanovic, Mirjana
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2018Mobile communications technologies impact on radio frequency broadcasts: A cognitive approachPolitis D.; Tsirantonakis A.; Aleksić, Veljko; Nteropoulos P.; Margounakis, Dimitrios
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021NavMusApp: Exploring the Instrumental Continuum: A Mobile App for Classifying Musical Instruments in a Global PerspectivePolitis D.; Aleksić, Veljko; Stamkopoulos G.; Kyriafinis G.
0354-68292001013R.pdf.jpg2020Optimization of the Job Shop Scheduling Problem in Industry 4.0Ristic, Olga; Milošević, Marjan; Milunović Koprivica, Sandra; Veskovic, Milan; Aleksić, Veljko
2560-550X2325199A.pdf.jpg2023Pedagoška perspektiva socijalnog učenja u metaverzumu na primeru programiranja računarske grafikeAleksić, Veljko
37 - II.14..pdf.jpg2024The Pixel Art as Computer Graphics Artistic Expression in Digital GamesAleksić, Veljko; Simeunovic, Vlado
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2020The Characteristics of Virtual Reality Usage in Educational SystemsAleksić, Veljko; Politis D.