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Title: Luteolin mediated targeting of protein network and microRNAs in different cancers: Focus on JAK-STAT, NOTCH, mTOR and TRAIL-mediated signaling pathways
Authors: Farooqi, Ammad
Butt G.
El-Zahaby S.
Attar, Rukset
Uteuliyev Y.
Joksimović Jović, Jovana
Tang K.
Naureen H.
Xu B.
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: © 2020 Elsevier Ltd There has always been a keen interest of basic and clinical researchers to search for cancer therapeutics having minimum off-target effects and maximum anticancer activities. In accordance with this approach, there has been an explosion in the field of natural products research in the past few decades because of extra-ordinary list of natural extracts and their biologically and pharmacologically active constituents having significant medicinal properties. Apparently, luteolin-mediated anticancer effects have been investigated in different cancers but there is superfluousness of superficial data. Generalized scientific evidence encompassing apoptosis, DNA damage and anti-inflammatory effects has been reported extensively. However, how luteolin modulates deregulated oncogenic pathways in different cancers has not been comprehensively uncovered. In this review we have attempted to focus on cutting-edge research which has unveiled remarkable abilities of luteolin to modulate deregulated oncogenic pathways in different cancers. We have partitioned the review into various sections to separately discuss advancements in therapeutic targeting of oncogenic protein networks. We have provided detailed mechanistic insights related to JAK-STAT signaling and summarized how luteolin inhibited STAT proteins to inhibit STAT-driven gene network. We have also individually analyzed Wnt/β-catenin and NOTCH pathway and how luteolin effectively targeted these pathways. Mapping of the signaling landscape has revealed that NOTCH pathway can be targeted therapeutically. NOTCH pathway was noted to be targeted by luteolin. We have also conceptually analyzed how luteolin restored TRAIL-induced apoptosis in resistant cancers. Luteolin induced an increase in pro-apoptotic proteins and efficiently inhibited anti-apoptotic proteins to induce apoptosis. Luteolin mediated regulation of non-coding RNAs is an exciting and emerging facet. Excitingly, there is sequential and systematic accumulation of clues which have started to shed light on intricate regulation of microRNAs by luteolin in different cancers. Collectively, sophisticated information will enable us to develop a refined understanding of the multi-layered regulation of signaling pathways and non-coding RNAs by luteolin in different cancers.
Type: review
DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2020.105188
ISSN: 1043-6618
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85090711064
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac

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