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Title: Potencijali projektne nastave za razvijanje međupredmetnih kompetencija
Authors: Поповић, Далиборка Р.
Ристановић, Душан П.
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: : One of the key goals of modern educational policies is the need to develop students’ abilities that will enable them to function in conditions of dynamic social and technological changes. A necessary condition for achieving such a defined goal is to abandon the traditional, transmission approach to teaching and learning and to introduce a more engaged process of knowledge construction in a real life environment. A different approach to teaching and learning implies a comprehensive reform of the educational system, which should take place in two key directions. The first refers to curricular reform, to the introduction of a curriculum oriented towards the acquisition and development of key competencies for lifelong learning and, in particular, cross-curricular competencies. The second direction is focused on the consideration and application of various teaching strategies and models in school practice, which support this concept. Considering that project‑based learning has recently been introduced into our school system as a mandatory model of work, the aim of this paper is to present its most important possibilities for developing students’ cross-curricular competencies. The paper starts with an overview of eight key competencies for lifelong learning defined by the European Commission, which have been included in the educational system of the Republic of Serbia since 2017. Following this, the necessity and importance of developing cross-curricular competencies for students were singled out and presented, and then the emphasis was put on the analysis of the possibilities that project teaching can provide in that process. The conclusion emphasizes the values of project-based learning and benefits for students and teachers, as well as for the society as a whole; important pedagogical implications can be drawn, as they represent a kind of invitation to teachers for more serious application of project-based learning in school practice.
Type: article
DOI: 10.18485/uzdanica.2020.17.2.19
ISSN: 1451-673X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education, Jagodina

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