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Authors: Kovačević, Miloš
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The paper deals with linguostylistic analysis of Vukovanje, the only poetry book for children written by Milica Bakrač, undoubtedly the greatest Serbian poetess from Montenegro. The most important characteristics of the poem are analysed and compared to those of narrative poems in general, especially modernist and postmodernist. Since a narrative poem is characterised by epic, lyric and dramatic features, the analysis points out epic (narrative structure), lyric (external na internal structure) and dramatic characteristics (ways of reporting speech) of the poem. The analysis deals with fablelike properties of Vukovanje as well – by depicting wolves, the author of the poem speaks about Serbs and their main characteristics, especially related to Saint Sava’s orthodoxy. Behaviors of wolves are represented allegorically – as behaviors of human beings. More precisely, Serbs. A large number of explicitly depicted immanent characteristics of Serbs are attributed to wolves in the poem, which proves that Serbs are allegorically represented as wolves. In addition to this, Milica Bakrač revives the myth of wolves as the ancestors of Serbs, i. e. they are represented in a positive way, which is contrary to the symbolics usually attributed to wolves in the poetry for children.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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