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Title: Physico-chemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of three different types of honey from Central Serbia
Authors: Sreckovic, Nikola
Mihailovic, Vladimir
Katanić Stanković, Jelena S.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: There are many studies dealing with the comparison of the quality and biological characteristics of honey of distinct geographical and botanical origins. However, there is scarce literary data on the physico-chemical and biological properties of different types of honey from the same production regions. Honey samples used in this study were from the following botanical origins: forest honey (honeydew), polyfloral honey and monofloral acacia honey. All samples were provided by a local beekeeper from Šumadija district (Central Serbia) and produced during the flowering season in 2018. Spectrophotometric determination of phenolic compounds in honey samples showed that the forest honey contained the highest total phenolics (806.10 mg GAE/kg) and flavonoids (146.27 mg QU/kg) contents, more than ten times higher than acacia honey (68.48 mg GAE/kg and 18.59 mg QU/kg, respectively). Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH· and ABTS·+ assays. Forest honey showed better antioxidant activity than the other examined honey samples (594.77 mg Trolox/kg for ABTS assay and 260.77 mg Trolox/kg for DPPH assay). The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of honey samples against a panel of eleven bacterial and eight fungal species, along with yeast Candida albicans, showed that forest honey was the most effective in inhibition of their growth. These results suggest that forest honey has the best potential, among studied honey samples, for use in the human diet as food with valuable biological properties.
Type: article
DOI: 10.5937/KgJSci1941053S
ISSN: 1450-9636
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science, Kragujevac
Institute for Information Technologies, Kragujevac

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