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Title: „Outsourcing“ javnih usluga – osnovna obeležja i karakteristike
Authors: Jovanović, Zoran
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: One of the ways to rationalize public administration costs, in the circumstances of limited budget funds, is outsourcing of public services. Outsourcing contracts refer to the execution of public services or the operation of certain business processes, for which the public sector is traditionally in charge, by private external partners. The primary motives for outsourcing are cost reduction, concentration of public partners based on activities and higher quality of public services. In some countries, outsourcing means any type of contracting for the supply of products and services intended for further consumption with external partners, regardless of the duration of such a contract, while in some countries it represents contract where external partner - organization directly receives money from a public partner for short term service. The main motive for outsourcing of public services is to provide public services of the same quality at a lower price or to provide public services of higher quality at the same price that end users and / or the state have paid so far. Unfortunately, it is often that the cost-cutting motive prevails in outsourcing decisions, especially in times of recession when outsourcing is a very popular strategy. Due to all the mentioned, this paper will analyze the concept of outsourcing, public services that may be the object of this contract, as well as its positive and negative aspects.
Type: bookPart
DOI: 10.46793/XXIv-11.433J
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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