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Title: The biological activity of Ocimum minimum L. flowers on redox status parameters in HCT-116 colorectal carcinoma cells
Authors: Jovankić, Jovana
Nikodijević, Danijela
Blagojević, Stefan
Radenković, Nikola
Jakovljević, Dragana
Grbović, Filip
Cvetković, Danijela
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Medicinal plants have widely been used as a natural source of remedies for treating several diseases, including colorectal cancer. Ocimum minimum L. is a very important dietary plant used in traditional and modern medicine, due to its health beneficial effect realized by cytotoxic, proapoptotic, antioxidant/prooxidant, antiviral and antimicrobial activity. The biological activity of O. minimum flowers has been evaluated in HCT116 colorectal carcinoma cells through antiproliferative activity by MTT assay, pro-apoptotic activity by AO/EB and concentrations of redox status parameters (O2∙ and lipid peroxidation) by colorimetric methods. The protein expression of iNOS was analyzed by immunocytochemistry, while the antimigratory effect was measured by xCELLigence system. The treatment with O. minimum shows the antiproliferative, proapoptotic, impact on redox status parameters and antimigratory effect on HCT-116 cells. Based on obtained results, the pharmacological effect of O. minimum is evident against HCT-116 colorectal carcinoma cells, suggesting that this plant may be good start material for future anticancer therapy investigation.
Type: article
DOI: 10.5937/KgJSci2244155J
ISSN: 1450-9636
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science, Kragujevac

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