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dc.contributor.authorDevedzic, Goran-
dc.contributor.authorManic, Miodrag-
dc.contributor.authorTanikic D.-
dc.contributor.authorIvanović, Lozica-
dc.contributor.authorMiric N.-
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the methodology for multicriteria decision analysis based on negative-positive-neutral (NPN) logic, which is an extension of both crisp and fuzzy logic. As the basic modeling framework we use fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) which are a set of meaningful concepts, connected to form a network, with fuzzy weighted links measuring the strength and direction of effect of cause concept over target concept. Introducing NPN logic to FCM modeling framework provides the possibility to measure, the so-called, side effect of each decision-making path. This information additionally describes under what mutual conditions between concepts FCM settles down in equilibrium. An illustrative example from the real industrial environment related to metal cutting process planning parameters analysis demonstrates the potential of the methodology. (C)2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.sourceStrojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering-
dc.subjectNPN logic and NPN relationsen_US
dc.subjectfuzzy cognitive mapsen_US
dc.subjectdecision analysisen_US
dc.subjectprocess planningen_US
dc.titleConceptual Framework for NPN Logic Based Decision Analysisen_US
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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