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Title: Istražni diskurs u romanu Izgubljena čast K.Blum
Authors: Jevđević, Nataša
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Heinrich Böll, the German post-war writer, who was extremely active contrary to the ruling system, continues in his novel The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum or How to become and where does the violence of 1974 the levying of terror implemented by the state, the investigating authorities and the media of mass communication which are trying to rule through repression and the spreading of fear. This paper will deal with the investigation from three perspectives. By using the papers of the theorists of postmodernism it has been shown that both the investigative discourse and the investigative lexis are the set of instruments for the production of truth that satisfies the dominant strain. Through the analysis of the investigation process it will be discovered that manipulation is used as a means of constructing the truth and furthermore, the ways of constructing reality in the discourse of the mass media will also be shown.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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Јевђевић ЦЕЗАСМ.pdfНаташа Јевђевић, Истражни дискурс у роману Изгубљена част К.Блум, Језик и (псеудо)особеност, електронски зборник радова са скупа Трећи Карловачки дани слободне мисли (ур. Андреа Ратковић, Анђелија Милић), CEZASM Сремски Карловци, 2017., 363-374. (УДК 81(082)(0.034.4)/ISBN 978-86-919377-3-7, COBISS.SR-ID 319329543)345.56 kBAdobe PDFThumbnail

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