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Title: O nekim odlikama srpskog narodnog jezika u povelji gospođe Mare Branković i njenih sinova Dubrovniku : od 29. decembra 1405. godine
Authors: Polomac, Vladimir
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: From the aspect of hi­sto­ri­cal di­a­lec­to­logy of the Ser­bian lan­gu­a­ge, the study ad­dres­ses the pri­mary pho­no­lo­gi­cal and morp­ho­lo­gi­cal tra­its of the Ser­bian ver­nacu­lar in the char­ter of Ma­ra Bran­ko­vic (the wi­fe of Vuk Bran­ko­vic) and her sons Gr­gur, Dju­radj and La­zar to the city of Du­brov­nik, pu­blis­hed on De­cem­ber the 29th, 1405. in Vu­ci­trn (the ter­ri­tory of Ko­so­vo and Me­to­hi­ja). The analysis di­sclo­sed the Ko­so­vo-Re­sa­via di­a­lect ba­sis, the lan­gu­a­ge of the anonymo­us scri­be of the char­ter, who­se most no­ti­ce­a­ble cha­rac­te­ri­stics re­ve­a­led the eka­vian di­a­lect shift of the Old Ser­bian vo­wel /ĕ/, the pre­sen­ce of the vo­wel /a/ in the pla­ce of the Old Ser­bian vo­wel /ә/, as well as the pre­sen­ce of the in­fi­ni­ti­ve form wit­ho­ut the fi­nal vo­wel /i/.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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