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Title: Biti između: lirski subjekt i belina u pesničkoj zbirci Povreda beline Bojane Stojanović Pantović
Authors: Mojsilović, Milica
Kandić, Milica
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: This paper intends to present the autopoetic placesof the collection The injury of whiteness by Bojana Stojanović Pantović, but also to point out what kind of injuries and whitenesses they really are. The specific position of the poet will be taken into consideration, which is determined by the limiting condition in which the genesis of poetry is characterized as „a stopped river flow that cannot reach its estuary”. We will analyze the views of the author on the selected corpus, but we will also shed light on the key starting points of her poetic creation. At that point, we asked ourselves if it was anxiety, the desire to step out of a state of ease and to meet the knowledge of that Self that appears when the whiteness is injured. Also, an important topic of this work is the consideration of the position of the lyrical subject, which is the position in between that allows all opposites to be reconciled, to melt and flow fluidly through the song, manifesting itself through physiological processes, impressions caused by everyday life, sensory sensations, and even internal ones, thought and emotional actions. All this represents a new way to write and think poetry, to move events from the horizon of the expected and thus make a shift in relation to what is already known
Type: conferenceObject
DOI: 10.18485/sfi.2024.1.ch22
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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