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Title: Tribological Behaviour and Surface Roughness Quality of 3D Printed ABS Material
Authors: Djurovic, Strahinja
Lazarević, Dragan
Ivkovic, Milan
Mišić, Milan
Stojčetović, Bojan
Šarkoćević, Živče
Journal: Journal of Materials and Engineering
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is one of the newer methods of manufacturing. The basic difference to other types of production is that the material is added in the form of layers. There are many types of technologies in 3D printing, but the most common is fused deposition modeling. This technology uses different types of thermoplastic materials to build an object. This paper will present the tribological characteristics and surface roughness measurement of samples printed on a low-cost 3D printer using thermoplastic materials ABS.
Type: article
DOI: 10.61552/JME.2023.03.004
ISSN: 3009-3961
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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