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Title: Aktivnosti Centra za srpski kao strani jezik na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu (Kragujevac)
Authors: Nikolic, Milka
Obradović, Mirjana R.
Journal: Lingvometodika: časopis za metodiku nastave srpskog kao stranog, zavičajnog, maternjeg i nematernjeg jezika / Lingvometodika: journal of Teaching Methodology of Serbian as a Foreign, Heritage, Native and Non-mother language
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Тhe subject of consideration in this article is the activity of the Center for Serbian as a Foreign Language at the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac from its foundation (2015) until today. The goals are: (1) to show the types of activities and ways of their realization; (2) to convey observations about the teaching of Serbian as a foreign language that takes place in a specific social environment. The analysis showed that during the less than a decade of its existence, the Center managed to form a strategy for learning and teaching Serbian as a foreign language in accordance with the educational context in which it operates. Тhe Center has realized: (1) different types of courses; (2) extracurricular activities; (3) promotional activities; (4) exams for obtaining a certificate of knowledge of the Serbian language. The teachers of the Center participate in linguistic and methodological studies of Serbian as a foreign language: (1) they submitted the first doctoral dissertations from this methodological subfield at the Faculty of Philology and Arts (one doctoral dissertation was completed and defended, and the other is still in preparation); (2) participate in scientific conferences and publish scientific papers on the linguistic methodology of Serbian as a foreign language.
Type: article
DOI: 10.46630/lmt.1.2024.03
ISSN: 30422191
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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