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Authors: Kovačević, Anika
Journal: Zbornik radova Međunarodne naučne konferencije „Ustav SFRJ iz 1974. godine - 50 godina kasnije“
Issue Date: 2025
Abstract: The Assembly of the SFRY is the central and most important institution of political power in the federation. The name itself tends to emphasize deeper changes in the structure of the Assembly and a potential new way of making decisions. The 1974 Constitution of the SFRY emphasizes that the Assembly is an institution of the SFRY, or rather of the federation as a community. In accordance with the emphasized leading role of the working class in the development of the constitutional system of the SFRY, one of the most significant changes and constitutional innovations is certainly the introduction of the delegate system, i.e. the delegate method of constituting organs and bodies in which decisions are made. The Constitution of the SFRY proclaimed an assembly system, however, some provisions were not consistently implemented, and this concept of power was violated. The largest deviation, and therefore the violation of the general setting of the system of parliamentary power, is manifested in the position of the Presidency of the SFRY and the Federal Executive Council. The position of the Assembly reflected the complexity of the socio-political situation and the desire to adapt the political mechanism to interethnic relations, that is, to resolve the desire for individuality and the necessity of uniting national groups by establishing balance, participation, and equality in the very structure of the federation.
Type: conferenceObject
DOI: 10.46793/Ustav74.361K
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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