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Title: Temperature measurement and current determination of horizontally and vertically placed low-voltage single core cable
Authors: Sucurovic, Marko
Marjanović, Milan
Rosić, Marko
Bjekic, Miroslav
Koprivica, Branko
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: This paper presents a procedure for measurement of surface temperature of a low-voltage single-core power cable with PVC insulation. Measurements were performed with the cable set into horizontal or vertical orientation, freely in the air. Three values of loading current of cable were used for measurements made in laboratory conditions. The current and the temperatures were measured during experiment. Measured cable temperatures were used for calculation of loading current of the cable and the result obtained was compared with the measured load current. The paper presents results obtained and appropriate discussion.
Type: conferenceObject
ISSN: 1313-230X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak

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