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10.2186-JPR.JPOR_2019_404.pdf.jpg2021A potential application of materials based on a polymer and cad/cam composite resins in prosthetic dentistryJovanovic M.; Živić, Miloš; Milosavljevic, Marko
10.3109-0886022X.2015.1010442.pdf.jpg2015Variability of mycophenolic acid elimination in the renal transplant recipients-population pharmacokinetic approachVeličković-Radovanović R.; Jankovic, Slobodan; Milovanovic, Jasmina; Catić-Đorđević A.; Spasić, Ana; Stefanović, Nikola; Dzodic, Predrag; Smelcerovic A.; Cvetkovic O.
10.2298-SARH171020009J.pdf.jpg2019The impact of pain on functionality and health related quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritisJurisic Skevin, Aleksandra; Grbovic, Vesna; Stanković I.; Radunovic A.; Nurkovic J.https; Milosevic, Bojan; Cvetkovic, Aleksandar; Divjak, Ana; Vulovič M.
10.1097-MNM.0000000000000931.pdf.jpg2019Clinical usefulness of <sup>99m</sup>Tc-HYNIC-TOC, <sup>99m</sup>Tc(V)-DMSA, and <sup>99m</sup>Tc-MIBI SPECT in the evaluation of pituitary adenomasVukomanovic V.; Matovic, Milovan; Doknic M.; Ignjatovic, Vesna; Simic Vukomanovic, Ivana; djukic, aleksandar; Peulić M.; djukic, aleksandar
10.3855-jidc.11741.pdf.jpg2020Increased systemic sST2 in patients with end stage renal disease contributes to milder liver damage during HCV infectionLukic R.; Čupić, Milan; Gajovic N.; Jurisevic M.; Mijailovic Z.; Davidovic B.; Kujundžic B.; Joksimović B.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Jovanovic I.
10.1515-sjecr-2017-0008.pdf.jpg2018Effects of Ischemic and Proton Pump Inhibitors Preconditioning on Oxidative Stress of Isolated Rat HeartJeremić N.; Zivkovic V.; Srejovic I.; Jeremic, Jovana; Petkovic, Anica; Bradic, Jovana; Jakovljevic V.
10.1016-j.ijid.2022.07.059.pdf.jpg2022Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in a young adult successfully treated with plasmapheresis, immunoglobulins, and corticosteroids: a case reportSreckovic M.; Radojević-Marjanović R.; Popovska Jovicic, Biljana; Jankovic, Slobodan; Medovic R.; Cvetkovic M.; Lazarevic, Tatjana; Milosavljević, Miloš; Simovic, Stefan; Vucic, Rada
10.2147-RMHP.S270553.pdf.jpg2020A country pandemic risk exposure measurement modelGrima, Simon; Kizilkaya M.; Rupeika-Apoga, Ramona; Romānova, Inna; Gonzi R.; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo
10.1515-SJECR-2015-0060.pdf.jpg2016Effects of provinols on cardiodynamics and coronary flow in isolated rat heartsPopovic A.; Pechanova O.; Rehakova R.; Zivkovic V.; Srejovic I.; Jeremić N.; Jeremic, Jovana; Vranic, Aleksandra; Jakovljevic V.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2015Redox status in acute ischemic stroke: correlation with clinical outcomePaspalj D.; Nikic P.; Savic M.; Djuric, Dragan; Simanic I.; Zivkovic, Vladimir; Jeremic, Nevena; Srejovic, Ivan; Jakovljevic, Vladimir