Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 601 to 620 of 2333
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 2021 | High risk of burnout in medical students in Serbia, by gender: A cross-sectional study | Ilic, Irena; Zivanovic-Macuzic, Ivana; Kocic, Sanja; Ilic, Milena |
 | 2021 | On the origin of the antioxidant potential of selected wines: combined HPLC, QSAR, and DFT study | Šaćirović, Sabina; Đorović Jovanović, Jelena; Dimic, Dusan; Petrović, Zorica; Simijonović, Dušica; Manojlovic, Nedeljko; Antić, Mališa; Marković, Zoran |
 | 2021 | Mapping the journey of transition: A single-center study of 170 childhood-onset GH deficiency patients | Doknic M.; Stojanovic, Marijana; Soldatovic, Ivan; Milenković V.; Zdravkovic, Vladimir; Jesić M.; Todorovic, Sladjana; Mitrović, Katarina; Vukovic R.; Miljic D.; Savić Zdravković, Dimitrija; Milićević M.; Stanimirovic A.; Bogosavljević V.; Pekic S.; Manojlovic Gacic E.; djukic, aleksandar; Grujičić, Darko; Petakov M. |
 | 2021 | Interaction of bioessential metal ions with quinolone antibiotics: Structural features and biological evaluation | Nedeljković N.; Nikolic, Milos; Mijajlovic M.; Radic G.; Stankovic, Ana |
 | 2021 | Formulation and evaluation of helichrysum italicum essential oil-based topical formulations for wound healing in diabetic rats | Andjic M.; Bozin, Biljana; Draginic N.; Kocovic, Aleksandar; Jeremic, Jovana; Tomovic, Marina; Milojević-Šamanović A.; Kladar, Nebojša; Capo I.; Jakovljevic V.; Bradic, Jovana |
 | 2021 | Augmented reality as e-learning tool for intraoral examination and dental charting during COVID-19 era | Mladenovic, Rasa; Matvijenko V.; Šubaric L.; Mladenovic K. |
 | 2021 | The Antioxidant Supplementation with Filipendula ulmaria Extract Attenuates the Systemic Adverse Effects of Nanosized Calcium Phosphates in Rats | Šćepanović, Radomir; Selakovic, Dragica; Katanić Stanković, Jelena S.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Andjelkovic, Marija; Milenkovic, Jovana; Milanovic, Pavle; Vasovic, Miroslav; Jovicic, Nemanja; Rosic, Gvozden |
 | 2021 | A review of published cases of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis associated with the use of acetaminophen | Milosavljević, Miloš; Pejcic, Ana; Milosavljević, Jovana |
 | 2021 | Treating of focal epilepsy: A patent review | Jankovic, Slobodan; Marković N.; Luković K. |
 | 2021 | Morphological and morphometric characteristics of anterior maxilla accessory canals and relationship with nasopalatine canal type—A CBCT study | Vasiljevic M.; Milanović P.; Jovicic, Nemanja; Vasovic, Miroslav; Milovanovic, Dragan; Vojinovic R.; Selakovic, Dragica; Rosic, Gvozden |
 | 2019 | Factors Influencing Dental Fear in Students of Biomedicine | Ognjanovic, Irena; Vasiljevic, Milica; Pavlovic, Milica; Simovic, Nevena; Markovic, Dusan; Bogdanovic, Ilija; Jankovic, Slobodan |
 | 2020 | Распостраненность заболеваний пародонтасреди студентов | Vujović, Sanja; Milenković, Strahinja; Ognjanović, Irena; Obradović R.; Stanisic D. |
 | 2019 | Psychometric properties of dental fear survey in Serbian population | Ognjanović, Irena; Milenković, Strahinja; Ristić, Ivan; Mihajlović, Filip; Martinović, Filip; Ignjatović Ristić, Dragana |
 | 2021 | Galectin-3, Possible Role in Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases and Potential Therapeutic Target | Velickovic M.; Arsenijevic A.; Acovic A.; Arsenijevic D.; Milovanovic, Jelena; Dimitrijević J.; Todorovic Z.; Milovanovic, Marija; Kanjevac, Tatjana; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa |
 | 2021 | Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) essential oil as a potential replacement for sodium nitrite in dry fermented sausages | Šojić, Branislav; Tomović, Vladimir; Savanović Jovo; Kocić-Tanackov Sunčica; Pavlic, Branimir; Jokanovic̈ Marija; Milidrag Ardea; Martinović Aleksandra; Vujadinović Dragan; Vukić, Milan |
 | 2021 | Epigenetics, 1-Carbon Metabolism, and Homocysteine During Dysbiosis | Singh M.; Hardin S.; George A.; Eyob W.; Stanisic, Dragana; Sathnur P.; Tyagi S. |
 | 2021 | Effects of High Intensity Interval vs. Endurance Training on Cardiac Parameters in Ischemia/Reperfusion of Male Rats: Focus on Oxidative Stress | Rankovic M.; Jakovljevic V.; Bradic, Jovana; Jakovljevic B.; Zivkovic V.; Srejovic I.; Bolevich, Sergey; Milosavljevic I.; Jeremic, Jovana; Ravic M.; Mijanovic O.; Turnic T.; Jeremić N. |
 | 2021 | Prevalence and correlates of low back pain among undergraduate medical students in Serbia, a cross-sectional study | Ilic, Irena; Milicic, Vesna; Grujicic J.; Macuzic I.; Kocic H.; Ilic, Milena |
 | 2021 | Chelidonium majus crude extract induces activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and enhances their cytotoxic effect toward HeLa cells | Popović, Ana; Deljanin, Milena; Popovic, Suzana; Todorovic, Danijela; Djurdjevic, Predrag; Matić, Sanja; Stanković, Milan; Avramović, Duško; Baskic, Dejan |
 | 2021 | Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy – is it really a mild, benign disease? | Medovic R.; Medovic M.; Igrutinovic, Zoran; Vlahovic A.; Kostic, Gordana; Ristic, Gordana; Vuletić B.; Markovic, Slavica |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 601 to 620 of 2333