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PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2020A mixed analysis of perceptions of electric and hybrid vehiclesHigueras-Castillo E.; Kalinić, Zoran; Marinković, Veljko; LIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2020A multi-analytical approach to modeling of customer satisfaction and intention to use in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)Pozón-López I.; Kalinić, Zoran; Higueras-Castillo E.; LIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2019A multi-analytical approach to peer-to-peer mobile payment acceptance predictionKalinić, Zoran; Marinković, Veljko; Molinillo, Sebastian; LIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2017A SEM-neural network approach for predicting antecedents of m-commerce acceptanceLIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO; Marinković, Veljko; Kalinić, Zoran
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2017Antecedents of customer satisfaction in mobile commerce: Exploring the moderating effect of customizationMarinković, Veljko; Kalinić, Zoran
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Assessing determinants influencing continued use of live streaming services: An extended perceived value theory of streaming addictionSingh S.; Singh, Nidhi; Kalinić, Zoran; LIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2016Determinants of users’ intention to adopt m-commerce: an empirical analysisKalinić, Zoran; Marinković, Veljko
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2022Enhancing PLS-SEM-Enabled Research with ANN and IPMA: Research Study of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems’ Acceptance Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)Sternad Zabukovšek S.; Bobek S.; Zabukovšek U.; Kalinić, Zoran; Tominc P.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Examining the determinants of continuance intention to use and the moderating effect of the gender and age of users of NFC mobile payments: a multi-analytical approachLIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO; Singh, Nidhi; Kalinić, Zoran; Carvajal-Trujillo, Elena
0048-57052300001I.pdf.jpg2023How do we see digital platform workers’ skill patterns? Evidence from south-eastern EuropeIvanović, Vladan; Andjelkovic, Branka; Jakobi, Tanja; Kalinić, Zoran; Radonjić, Ljubivoje; Čolović, Petar
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2019Impact of Mobile Services on Business Development and E-CommerceLIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO; Kalinić, Zoran; Ramos de Luna, Iviane; Rodriguez-Ardura, Inma
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Neural network modeling of consumer satisfaction in mobile commerce: An empirical analysisKalinić, Zoran; Marinković, Veljko; Kalinić L.; LIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO
2620-02791902011K.pdf.jpg2019Online accommodation booking habits and attitudes of Serbian travelersKalinić, Zoran; Novaković, Miloš
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2018Predicting the determinants of mobile payment acceptance: A hybrid SEM-neural network approachLIEBANA-CABANILLAS, FRANCISCO; Marinković, Veljko; Ramos de Luna, Iviane; Kalinić, Zoran
rad.pdf.jpg2024Prediction of Residential Real Estate Selling Prices in Serbia Using Artificial Neural NetworksMatić, Ljiljana; Rankovic, Vesna; Geroski, Tijana; Kalinić, Zoran; Belak, Jernej; Nedelko, Zlatko
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2019SEM–ANN based research of factors’ impact on extended use of ERP systemsSternad Zabukovšek S.; Kalinić, Zoran; Bobek S.; Tominc P.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2012Supplier selection using multiobjective evolutionary algorithmRanković, Vladimir; Arsovski, Zora; Arsovski, Slavko; Kalinić, Zoran; Milanovic I.; Rejman Petrović, Dragana
10.4018-jwp.2012100103.pdf.jpg2012Supplier selection using NSGA-II techniqueRanković, Vladimir; Arsovski, Zora; Arsovski, Slavko; Kalinić, Zoran; Milanovic I.; Rejman Petrović, Dragana
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2014The mean-Value at Risk static portfolio optimization using genetic algorithmRanković, Vladimir; Drenovak, Mikica; Stojanović, Boban; Kalinić, Zoran; Arsovski, Zora
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2020The moderating effects of gender on customer satisfaction and continuance intention in mobile commerce: a UTAUT-based perspectiveMarinković, Veljko; Djordjevic̈ A.; Kalinić, Zoran