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Title: Calculation of stresses of gear made of composite materials
Authors: Delić, Marko
Đorđević, Zorica
Matejic, Milos
Jovanović, Saša
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Stress state of composite gear is very relevant and interesting topic for researchers due to their increasing use, especially in the automotive industry. In recent years, great progress has been made in this area. The gears are usually made of steel, but the progress of materials science make tendency that gears are more often made of material less weight. Reducing weight of mechanical transmission is often the aim of constructors and implementation of composites became very attractive to car designers because of their specific characteristics. In this paper, using Ansys program, is made analysis of the stress-strain state of gear. The results obtained by software were compared with the results obtained by analytic, and thus confirmed the credibility of the calculation. With examination on the same model of conical gear pair made of composite materials, it was concluded about the behavior of composite materials and their stress state.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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