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Title: Tribological Model of the Ironing Process in Sheet Metal Forming for Lubricant Testing
Authors: Adamovic, Dragan
Babic, Miroslav
Stefanovic, Milentije
Aleksandrovic, Marko
Golusija, Z.
Mitrovic, Slobodan
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: In this paper is shown an original laboratory device for the tribological simulation of ironing process in sheet metal forming. The adopted model respects all the physical and geometrical conditions of the real process and enables determination of the friction coefficient, both between the thin sheet and the die and between the die and the punch in various contact conditions. The presented and analysed results in this work show that the device is very convenient for fast comparative testing of tribological properties of various lubricants that are used in ironing.
Type: article
ISSN: 1310-4772
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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