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Title: A Constructive Approach to Teaching with Robotino®
Authors: Pršić, Dragan
Stojanović, Vladimir
Đorđević, Vladimir
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The current level of technological development and an increasing need for Information Technology (IT) staff open up opportunities and impose a need for a different approach in students’ education. Instead of classical, theoretically-oriented, transfer of finished knowledge, the focus is put on interactive learning through student's own experimental work. Modern mechatronic systems offer the possibility of changing the way of acquiring technological knowledge and developing programming skills. This paper presents some possibilities of mobile robotic system Robotino® of Festo Didactic intended for education and research. It is an open, flexible learning, platform that enables entry into the world of mechatronics and information technology for students of a different level of prior knowledge. In the paper, more details are given about the drive subsystem.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Kraljevo

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