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Authors: Stojanović, Biljana
Milovanovic, Radmila
Ćirković Miladinović, Ivana
Journal: Uzdanica: časopis za jezik, književnost i pedagoške nauke
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: One of the important issues of modern teaching is related to the decline of motivation for school learning. Emotional reactions to cognitive activity play a major role in student development. This paper deals with the role of emotions in educational practice, and the aim of the research is to define and analyze the emotional reactions of high school students to lectures. The sample consisted of 305 students aged between 14 and 19. Data on students’ emotional reactions were collected with the help of the Shabot & Shabot 2009 Self-Assessment of Emotional Reactions Questionnaire. According to the obtained results, students react to lectures with weak and moderate emotional reactions. When it comes to differences between students in relation to gender and age, differences were found in a small number of emotional reactions. The obtained results point to the importance of encouraging pleasant emotional reactions in teaching, but also to the need for further research on this important issue.
Type: article
DOI: 10.46793/Uzdanica20.1.215S
ISSN: 1451-673X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education, Jagodina

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