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Title: Estimation of Traffic Influence on Energy Saving at GSM Channels with Reallocation
Authors: Milovanović, Vladimir
López Martín, Juan Antonio
Budimir, Đurađ
Mileusnić, Mladen
Matić, Vladimir
Jovanović-Lazić, Bojana
Lebl, Aleksandar
Mitić, Dragan
Markov, Žarko
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: This paper presents an innovative procedure for base station emission power calculation in the case of traffic channels reallocation implementation in GSM mobile systems. The main idea of active traffic channels reallocation is to place the connections which require higher emission power due to higher mutual distance between base station and mobile station to the first frequency carrier because these channels have to be always in active mode due to the applied discipline of traffic service in GSM mobile systems. The principle of connections reallocation on the base of distance values sequence determination is novelty comparing to the much more applied principle of connections arrangement according to the propagation conditions. Power saving as the result of this method usage is compared to the necessary power when the sequential hunting with homing method of idle channel looking for is applied. Two special cases are analyzed: 1. the case of low offered traffic (when not more than 6 traffic channels are busy on average) and 2. the case when offered traffic is increased. It is proved that the achieved relative energy saving when the offered traffic is increased over 6Erl rapidly grows at first and then begins to fall. It is important that the absolute value of power saving continuously increases when the offered traffic is increased. One typical example of base station emission power save daily profile is presented on the base of the obtained results. All results in the paper are verified by traffic process simulation.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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