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Title: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Digital Competitiveness in CEE countries
Authors: Živković, Jelena
Veselinović, Nevena
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This research is focused on the relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and digital competitiveness at the macro level because of the importance of climate conditions and the use of new technologies, especially digital technologies. Greenhouse gas emissions were measured using the composite index (CI) conducted by the DEA method. Digital competitiveness is measured using the Digital Competitiveness Index (DCI) calculated by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). The research covered 11 CEE countries: The latest available data on greenhouse gas emissions were from 2019. Correlation analysis results showed that there was no correlation between these variables. Explanations for these results can be found at the DCI level. These index values show that CEE countries do not have a high value of digital competitiveness, which indicates that digital technology adoption is not at a high level, so it still has no effects on gas emissions, the environment, and climate change.
Type: conferenceObject
DOI: 10.46793/ICCBI23.116Z
Appears in Collections:Institute for Information Technologies, Kragujevac

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