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Title: Noise protection in urban environment - description of a project
Authors: Kolarevic, Milan
Šoškić, Zlatan
Petrović, Zoran
Radičević, Branko
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The paper presents a project of Ministry of Science of Republic of Serbia, which has the goal to establish technical platform for implementation of governmental policies in area of noise protection of urban environment. The project is realized by universities from Kragujevac, Niš and Belgrade, and it has three groups of goals: development of methodologies for estimation of noise impact, design of modular means for noise protection and establishment of software support for application of the methodologies and means developed in project. In order to achieve the goals a consistent and coherent set of activities was devised, and the appropriate resources are engaged. On the basis of the requests derived from the activities and restrictions imposed by resource limitations was designed project plan which facilitates realization of the project goals. Along with presentation of the team organization and project plan, the paper also presents a brief techno-economic analysis of the project.
Type: article
ISSN: 1312­-3823
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Kraljevo

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